Happy Australia Day!

My thoughts too Rally! Our forefathers built this country to what it is today and I'm tired of those do gooders that say we should be bending our beliefs for those who are less fortunate than us that want to live here - If they're trying to get away from violence etc then take on your new country's customs and values! Definitely don't bring the violence and racial prejudice that you fled from with you!

This stuff boils my blood!


My thoughts too Rally! Our forefathers built this country to what it is today and I'm tired of those do gooders that say we should be bending our beliefs for those who are less fortunate than us that want to live here - If they're trying to get away from violence etc then take on your new country's customs and values! Definitely don't bring the violence and racial prejudice that you fled from with you!

This stuff boils my blood!
Mine too :mob:

Mr Turbo
Nearly every month i hear an article about how someone is getting sued for flying the american flag on their house. I never knew loving your own country could be considered being prejudice.

Yeah that is a bit ridiculous :huh:

I'm sick to death of all the PC rubbish. I flew my flag with pride on Australia Day because I reckon it is the greatest country in the world.
Anyway, I had a great Australia Day out in the sticks.

Goodonya mate :iconwink:

My thoughts too Rally! Our forefathers built this country to what it is today and I'm tired of those do gooders that say we should be bending our beliefs for those who are less fortunate than us that want to live here - If they're trying to get away from violence etc then take on your new country's customs and values! Definitely don't bring the violence and racial prejudice that you fled from with you!

This stuff boils my blood!

We shouldn't be made to bend our beliefs, just as others shouldn't be made to bend theirs. We should all just try to get along together on our tiny little planet no matter which country we live in.

I totally agree immigrants shouldnt bring their violence or racism with them when they come here to live.

But please remember, Australia unfortunately is a VERY racist country. We have a disgusting history of annihilating entire Aboriginal tribes, and we are STILL very racist towards Aborigines, as well as many other ethnic groups.

How can ethnic groups be expected to assimilate into a racist society?! :confused:

All I am asking for is tolerance....
Ah c'mon now mate ;)
Labeling Australia as a racist society is a pretty broad statement. All over the world, no matter where you go, there will always be racism - much worse than in our own countries. We to have a history of racism and like the aborigines, we have our native indians. The only difference is we nearly wiped them all out, you guys were able to learn from our mistakes.
But like our illegal immigrants (and it's really only the illegals that don't appreciate being a bonafide American citizen), they don't pledge allegiance to our country, they fly their native countries flag over the american flag - a blatant slap to the face & don't pay taxes. They have no interest in learning the English language. They take our milk & honey, but have no interest in adopting our ways. If you have no right to be here, you shouldn't get a say in the way things are done. So why do they come here? To rob our culture & our system. What would happen if an american or australian went into pretty much any other country but their own illegaly & flaunted their native countries flag? We would wind up in some dirt floor prison. I can assure you,despite our problems, we are not the racist ones.