Happy Australia Day!


Jul 28, 2008
Sydney, Oz
Car Year
Car Model
A few beers, a BBQ and all is right with the world!
Copy that :raz:
Have a great Australia Day everybody :bananapartyhat:
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ...... Oi Oi Oi :bananatoast::bananatoast::bananatoast:

Mr Turbo
Is it wrong I just ran some UEC through my suby to start off Aussie day? Anyway, got some friends over and making some burgers and watching the cricket as we smash the curry munchers! haha
Is it wrong I just ran some UEC through my suby to start off Aussie day?
No mate, not at all :) Why shouldn't your Subi be allowed to celebrate by having a special drink with us on Australia Day :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
Why shouldn't your Subi be allowed to celebrate by having a special drink with us on Australia Day :ebiggrin:

Haha lol. I'll drink to that :rotfl:

hahaha special drink! maybe I should have put some 98 through her too!

Or go extra special, give her some 100 octane :monkeydance:
(Just saw that at the local servo the other day)

:bananatoast:Happy Aussie Day everyone :bananatoast:
Great start to aussie day for me. Jumped in the foz to go nd catch up with some mates. Strt her up and shes only running on 3 cyinders, the whole cars vibrating and with the holes in the muffler sounds like an old EA81 iwth no muffler.
Man I was pissed. Due to relocating the battery, it has started leaking yet ment to be fully sealed and leaked acid on one of the spark plug leads which ate through the darn lead.

I managed to fix it with some electrical tape for the time being and hope I get home on all 4 cylinders. Went and bought a new battery too which doesn't leak.

650CCA and 120RC repco battery, seems pretty good and got a good price on it too.

Now time to finally have a few drinks and just relax....
Darn, I'd be upset too :yell:
I know this sounds obvious, but just make sure you get all that battery acid cleaned up & check that it hasn't leaked onto anything else while you're at it also :iconwink:

Sounds like you have well & truly earned yourself a drink :bananatoast:

Mr Turbo
Thats a bugger. I know it was very hot over there but I'm wondering if when you moved the battery, in the new position its being heated up by the exhaust? Then the acid expanded, causing the leak. How did you do the new spot, ie, with a battery box or just weld a plate on the rail? Perhaps you could put in some shielding...heat is a killer for lead acid batteries.

Yep, go have a few coldies :bananatoast:
Sh**, that sucks Taza! Hope it works out for you.

I know i could google this just as easy, but it's always better hearing from a native. Is there any direct history of what made Australia Day a holiday, or is it just a day to say "F* yaw', i'm ostrayan & takin a day off!"? :lol:
A damn good article i just found!

In a sense.. It basically sums up what America was prior to 20 or so years ago.

The most important ones that stood out to me are actually the ones i've picked up on here, learning from you guys..

To me, this is huge. I even talked about this around the holidays on here, maybe the "merry christmas" thread. This is how i try to treat life.. What i do does not define who i am.
5. We Work to Live, We Don't Live to Work

2. Don't Get Hung Up on Politically Correctness

& a big one we have a problem with here... Many immigrants (mostly the illegal ones) see it should be the exact opposite.. We should adapt & cater to their culture!
8. Immigrants Assimilate to the Aussie Way of Life

We both have many things to be proud of, but hang on to your heritage fella's! Political Correctness has nearly taken ours away. Nearly every month i hear an article about how someone is getting sued for flying the american flag on their house. I never knew loving your own country could be considered being prejudice.
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The history of the US- particularly the War of Independence- had a direct bearing on the history of Australia. With Britain unable to use the US, Australia became the next option for dealing with Britain's convict population. I'm sick to death of all the PC rubbish. I flew my flag with pride on Australia Day because I reckon it is the greatest country in the world. Now the do gooders reckon that makes me racist. Maybe if they ever looked at the great things this country has done in its short history they might feel differently Instead they seem to enjoy sensationalising the few bad things we have done or have allegedly done.

Anyway, I had a great Australia Day out in the sticks.
