Hail Damage?


Product Developer
Oct 27, 2011
SE Melbourne
Melbourne just experienced severe hail storms...again! :sad:

(Yes, climate change IS real!!!)

So how did your Subie fare? :shrug:
Climate change is indeed real- I don't think it has ever stopped changing. We've just had our coolest start to summer in 50 years. It's been so cool here there has not been much thunderstorm stuff for this month. I remember years ago there was a huge hail storm that hit Sydney, and did a lot of damage. So many cars were damaged, insurance companies were getting them repaired as far away as Melbourne! Hopefully your storm was not as bad- it took about a year to get through the backlog. How widespread was it?
I was informed that the h6 foz was damaged :(

Yeah i just heard :sad:

I was on my way over to my brothers in Preston. Fortunately I was running late or I would have copped the big ones. He kept some in the freezer. Interesting to note there were 2 very different types. Smaller ones white & smooth about the size of a marble. Larger ones about size of 20c piece, clear & very knobbly.

I was thinking about finding some cover as they were hitting the windscreen pretty hard, wasnt so worried bout the panels as it is already hail damaged from the last time. In the end just drove out of the storm with no damage.

Apparently this one is worse than last time :sad:
Not sure how much of Melbourne copped the bad hail. My friends car was parked here in Frankston & looks untouched. Last storm it was badly damaged so she was pretty worried! Then again last storm we only got a few drops of rain while more northern suburbs got massive hail!

I think its been the same thing, some of the same suburbs copped it while others untouched! I wonder if some people will be moving lol :rolleyessarcastic:
yep, Dulagarl the H6 foz copped it.

In other news, I understand that Venom the H6 Lib also copped it, but perhaps not as bad a hailstorm.

here are some sh**ty phone pics I took at the time:

We were sitting under a pergola eating dessert, and heard an approaching storm. Soon after I said 'That's a bad hailstorm coming our way", hailstones were coming through the roof:


A hailstone I picked up about half an hour or more after it hit the ground:


and hailstones still around about an hour later


My brother's Golf diesel:


and the recently modified bonnet of the Dulagarl:



The pics don't really show all the dents, but give you some idea.

Such was the force of this storm that all seven cars at the lunch were damaged. The rear window if a Mazda 6 looked like Swiss cheese. The house opposite had hailstones go through the roof tiles and the ceiling plaster into the living room.

Tomorrow I get a new windscreen, and then the battle to save the car starts. I'm sure it will be called a write off to start with, but I have been through that once before with Djulpan.

Getting sick of panel beaters: first Djulpan in a hailstorm, then the "horrible" accident in the Cobaws, and now this.
That's some BIG hail!

Was the windscreen cracked?
I know its not much consolation but at least those bonnet vents werent smashed!

Hope you get her back on the road nice n shiny new soon
that's one scary hailstorm.
I know a guy who had a white Golf that got hit in the bad hailstorm in Perth a couple of years back. He started calling his car the golf ball...
Sorry to hear about Dulagarl!

I gave up counting the dents on my bonnet at 100, same for the roof. Its alot worse than you see in the pictures. There's a green sedan at one of the wreckers in Melb and my plans is to race down there today and pull the bonnet, gaurds and doors. I figure once they're sorted it should be a reasonable cost to repair the roof and rear quater panels. 7 cars in front of my mums house all got damaged, including my sisters car that she's had for only 2 weeks. Luckily we all have comprehensive insurance.

Bad news is i think Shannon's will classify the storm as a catastrophe and automatically write off any damaged cars.

The hail filled alot of gutters and roof valleys in Eltham so that the subsequent rain overflowed back under the roof tiles and flooded the houses from the inside out. My mums wasn't so bad, a bit of water in the kitchen and dining room, no carpet damage. We were also out the front of the house sweeping away water and digging ditches to stop the flooding from coming into the house. The stormwater in the street was totally backed up and actually coming up through the drains out front.








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That's some BIG hail!

Was the windscreen cracked?

yep. Badly. Off to get a new one in a tick. Shannon's will cover that.

that's one scary hailstorm.
I know a guy who had a white Golf that got hit in the bad hailstorm in Perth a couple of years back. He started calling his car the golf ball...


Bad news is i think Shannon's will classify the storm as a catastrophe and automatically write off any damaged cars.

maybe not. At least I have a claim number from them, and will be off to the panel beaters to get a quote as soon as they are open.

Sorry to see the damage to the Liberty mate. The two best offroad H6's in Australia, if not the world, cop it in the same day. Hope you can save yours.
I'm with Shannons and my highly modded Gen 2 Liberty was written off in last years hail storm, the assessor said I could buy it back for $5,400 but I beat him down to $4,000 by explaining they would be lucky to get 2k for a crappy old Gen 2 at auction, I've never given a rat's arse what it looked like as long as it went fast so I happily took the cheque for $9,000 and bought a dent puller which sucked most of the big ones out then just left it......................

So at the end of the day I got to keep my car and a nice little cheque for more than it was worth, only problem is I can only put 3rd party insurance on it until it's repaired which will never happen lol.

Some of the damage to mine and this was through a fairly thick car cover, luckily no glass damage.
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I had no trouble getting mine repaired after the hail storm in 2010.
Included roof, bonnett, and all panels on left hand side.

Rally, it is ridiculous that you can't get comprehensive insurance again until you get the roof repaired. It should simply be sufficient to have the roof damage identified as 'pre-existing' so that it couldn't subsequently be claimed for repair.
Yes, agreed. I once worked for an insurance company just after school. Some of the people who make these decisions- well- most of them lacked imagination is the best that can be said!
For dark sake.....

That is not how I hoped that warrior of a car would go out......
I had no trouble getting mine repaired after the hail storm in 2010.
Included roof, bonnett, and all panels on left hand side.

Rally, it is ridiculous that you can't get comprehensive insurance again until you get the roof repaired. It should simply be sufficient to have the roof damage identified as 'pre-existing' so that it couldn't subsequently be claimed for repair.

Exactly right!

I'm sure both Venom & Dulagarl would say neither of these awesome cars are retiring. Its just a hiccup...a big, annoying, pain-in-the-**** hiccup.