Snatch straps

How are you guys connecting the snatch strap to the distribution strap?

doubled over with both end loops on the shackle or one end through the end loop?
How are you guys connecting the snatch strap to the distribution strap?

Kevin explained it perfectly here in the quote below.
Connect the shorter strap across the two tie down points after feeding it through the snatch strap.

Mr Turbo
I'd be quite hesitant to put it in the washing machine, even on the gentle wash mode.

Why not? A gentle machine wash does the trick, and they come up looking super spiffy too ;)

^ If the city slickers know what a snatch strap is :rotfl:

(No offence to you city people)

Shove city people - they need to get out more!

How the hell did you break one anyway!!!?? :raspberry:

Watch this: [ame=""]Venom's Dual Range H6 Subaru Liberty - YouTube[/ame]

and take note of the 2.4 tonne Range Rover that was being snatched - the strap wound so tight on itself that the only way to remove it was to get a knife...

Greg, how old was that strap anyway?


I put my "snatch" in the washing machine. :iconwink:
Santa brought me a new snatch! Yay.

Now I just have to repair the car so I can use it.