Snatch straps


Forum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Brisbane, QLD
I have just been reading through the recovery gear part of the forum tonight just a gain a bit of knowledge.
Still a little unsure about a couple of things. I went out and bought a snatch strap kit from Super Cheap today. The brand is Ridge Ryder. Has anyone heard if this brand is ok? Is anyone out there using this brand and happy with it?
The other thing is the strap is 5000kg. From what I have read the break limit should be 2 to 3 times the GVM (1935kg). So is the 5000kg snatch going to be ok for a forester GT or should I go for something bigger?

Cheers anyone that can help
I have their kit, not had to use it yet. ... I saw a review when I was purchasing and their brand scored well against others.
Would be surprised if the kits aren't sufficient for a Subie, as 'most' 4x4s bigger than ours. Of course, depends how stuck you are as well, I guess!
It'll be fine, 5000kg is the minimum breaking point, if you get snatched hard enough to break that I'd say which ever end of your car it's attached to will go with it.
A 5000kg snatch strap will be fine & do the job.
Like others have said, if you break a 5000kg snatch strap whilst recovering a Subi, then you're in real trouble & probably won't have a car left anyway. Well at least not in one piece anyway.

Adding to that, I assume you also bought (or have) a couple of D Shackles to go with the snatch strap ? Just make sure that the D Shackles are rated :cool:
Also make sure you use an equalizer strap too :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
Adding to that, I assume you also bought (or have) a couple of D Shackles to go with the snatch strap ? Just make sure that the D Shackles are rated :cool:
Also make sure you use an equalizer strap too :iconwink:

+1 for the rated shackles. I have 4.7 tonne which is easily sufficient for a Subie. Use a distribution (equalizer strap) between the two front tow points otherwise you will do what I did and rip the front end of the car apart where the body, radiator and tow point is :cry:

If you want you can read this. Its when I was stuck then ripped the front end of the car apart...
It doesn't look all that bad in the pics but when the front bumper and front end of the car was apart you could see quite abit. But its all repaired now :raspberry:

Yeah got the snatch strap in a kit. The shackles have 2t written on them so I am guessing this is the rating. Again, is a 2 tonne shackle sufficient?
Read about the equalizer strap when I got back from buying the snatch strap. Will be heading back to get the equalizer for sure.

Cheers again to all the replies :)
Yep, they are load rated shackles.

I managed to find room for my equaliser strap (I'm using a tree protector strap if I am winching) in the 'Rydge Ryder' kit 'bag' / 'wrap'.
The 'wrap' also serves as a strap dampener when in use - i.e it is hung on the middle of the snatch strap.
The shackles have 2t written on them so I am guessing this is the rating. Again, is a 2 tonne shackle sufficient?
Thats what I'm using, shackles with a 2t rating, so yes, you'll be fine with them.

Mr Turbo
It'll be fine, 5000kg is the minimum breaking point, if you get snatched hard enough to break that I'd say which ever end of your car it's attached to will go with it.

Haha not what you wanna hear lol :lol:

+1 for the rated shackles. I have 4.7 tonne which is easily sufficient for a Subie. Use a distribution (equalizer strap) between the two front tow points otherwise you will do what I did and rip the front end of the car apart where the body, radiator and tow point is :cry:

If you want you can read this. Its when I was stuck then ripped the front end of the car apart...
It doesn't look all that bad in the pics but when the front bumper and front end of the car was apart you could see quite abit. But its all repaired now :raspberry:


Crikey Taza that was an ordeal! Did you reinforce the tow points?

I've decided i'm gonna get a light (5T) snatch strap. I'd like it to be long (don't we all :raz:) which i'm thinking will give it more stretch so be kinder on the cars plus probably be more effective. Plus of course heavy D shackles & an equalizer strap.

Spanks did you know if you get your snatch strap dirty you can wash it? Gentle machine wash lol :cool:
^ I was pretty upset Matt when it happened. Only had the car a year or so when it happened.

I just hose off my snatch strap on the washing line. Its been in mud, sand, red dirty. I think its lost its strech-ness due to using it as a tow rope after a few drink. Took abtou 15 sntaches to pull a huge tree out in the dark. But it works for now. I have a ARB 8000kg one, seems to do the job.
Spanks did you know if you get your snatch strap dirty you can wash it? Gentle machine wash lol :cool:
I'd be quite hesitant to put it in the washing machine, even on the gentle wash mode.

The best way to wash them is to lay it out, & gently hose it off. Then hang it up & let it dry naturally.

Mr Turbo
Yeah been doing a bit of reading on it. Getting a lot of tips from here and off the internet.

I have already had to get my car snatched out of a bog on Bribie. Didnt have any gear so had to use the other guys and only hooked it up to one tow point. Very lucky I didnt do any damage and will not be doing that again.
^ As Mr. Turbo said I wouldn't want to put it in a washing machine. Especially if muddy or what not.

One tow point is ok if its a small pull but if its really hard like mine was it will cause damage. But better to be safe then sorry with the distribution strap.

Why do my work colleagues look at me strangely when I tell them that I broke my snatch on the weekend?
Was waiting for this 'change in direction'! Some tracks you just KNOW where they are leading from the start ... :lildevil: :biggrin: