Thinking of moving to to Oz (from nz)

Basically it comes down to this, if i get a job at Mc Donalds or at a supermarket packing shelves in Oz, i will prolly get a payrise, and currently im a logistic and planning manger for a medium sized export business in NZ. :(

And there are lots of job opportunites over there, at least where i have been looking to move.
i dont blame you for wanting to come over to this beatifull country of ours :ebiggrin:
i went to NZ a year and a half ago for the first time. i was in christchurch and the second day of being there the earth quake hit (the one in febuary), nearly died and lost my family

Yeah, I feel for the poor Kiwis, they've certainly had a poor deal of late.
Yes they've been having a bad run recently :o
Then this afternoon (2.44pm NZ local time) they were rocked by yet another earthquake measuring 5.2 :(

Mr Turbo
currently im a logistic and planning manger for a medium sized export business in NZ.

Any chance of exporting an RXII coupe over here?? I'd prefer an '88 or '89 MY, dunno why though...


Best of luck with the job, if you're not fussy you'll pick one up in no time. If you're profession specific it could be a little more difficult...


yeah ill clean toilets with a toothbrush for $25/hr lol

as for exporting a car, im sure its do able, altho i would have no idea where to start.

Im about 400kms from chch so no earthquakes for us