Post a joke here

What is the maximum speed a woman can have sex at?

68mph, because if she does 69 she flips over and blows a rod.

:lol: :lol:
So, I'll have to wait a while before I can do any Michael Jackson jokes I guess?
Why wait, people have been making jokes about M.J for years. :p

But seriously & all jokes aside, I personally thought M.J was a bit of a fruit cake, but I must give credit, where credit is due. He was an extremely talented dancer & entertainer. :iconwink: :)

Mr Turbo
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I wouldn't want to be him for quids. Even all he has had. He was certainly a great talent, but as usual the media feed off him like jackals. But since this is a jokes thread, I might just wait a tad before posting it.
Quote from Achmed the dead terrorist
"I once tossed in a coin & watched 2 jews fight for the death, I did the same with 2 priests but threw in a small boy, then winner had to fight M.J."
MJ's family said they were going to melt down his body and make kids toys so they could play with him for a change.
Achmed the dead terrorist
[ame=""]YouTube - Ahmed The Terrorist[/ame]
blatantly stolen from jimoen but:

what do you do if an irishman throws a pin at you?

run, he's got a grenade in his mouth :lol:
OK, then it seems ok to do it. How did you know when it was bedtime at Michael Jackson's place?

When the big handed touched the little hand.
So it's rumored that M.J is making a come back.

Once they dig him out of the recyled bin & put him back together.

Mr Turbo
I know its not a joke, but I had to laugh when I say this pic. :lol:


Mr Turbo
No pic showing- for me anyway