Banner Design Competition

pls include / overlay "" at the top of the banner . Banner submissions can either be attached here and/or emailed to


What font & size is, presumably that stays the same?
anyone know what the official Subaru font(s) is(are)?

edit: on that note, a google search tells me that Square 721 Bold Extended BT is pretty close to the Subaru Font.

As a suggestion, png might be a good alternative to jpeg. slightly smaller file sizes I think. Gif might be a thought too, although would be annoying after a while..
I think:

For anyone interested, the site logo font is DOM CASUAL BOLD

Not sure on size atm

The forum banner/logo must be smaller than 760 pixels wide. Many people suggested around 500.
The height is variable say in the 50 to 150 range.
Gif or jpeg formats will both work.

Now with some more experience I think we should shoot for 640 to 800 x 120 to 150 pixels
The file size should be small otherwise the forum will load slow.
The first offroad Subaru?
(sorry about the files size)