Forum Member
hope everyone is ok.
Can't even imagine! Saying a prayer for all those out there tonight...
The worst image though I thought was of the white Forester stranded, nose down in an inland sea, with a child and both parents on the roof and no way of helping them. When the rescue chopper arrived, the car and the people were gone, never seen again. Tragically bad.
Rally, having posted that link it really hit me when I was informed by a colleague a few minutes ago that this young family - child appeared about 10-12 from memory - had not been rescued.
They had done a great job to get up on the roof. Initially no-one on roof, can clearly see one person in front seat. Imagine the difficulty of just getting all three of them onto the roof.
They seem composed and not panicking in the footage, I guess with the appearance of the chopper they would've thought that rescue was at hand, and parents would always try ang keep children reassured.
Could've been anyone who has ever been in those parts. Disasters are just like war, who makes it and who doesn't is a case of 'dumb luck'.
"Vale" to this family.
Lets hope so.Can only hope that 'no news is good news' for the father.
That's for sure & I must agree.I've got to say that from what I have seen, Premier Bligh has been doing an outstanding job. Not being from her state I don't know much about her, but she is most impressive. Certainly showing up the PM.
Unfortunately this has now risen to 12.Ten people have died in the Queensland floods so far with at least 90 people still missing.
As I understand it non-Qld polies have been told to keep away, so difficult for PM to be seen to do anything, other than make statements about aid, etc.... Premier Bligh has been doing an outstanding job. Not being from her state I don't know much about her, but she is most impressive. Certainly showing up the PM.
That is so true.The one thing that has not changed is the media. They get so wrapped up in one big news story they cannot handle a second. When the Vic fires were raging, Queensland was in flood yet little was covered. This time around, Queensland is once again in flood, yet WA is burning and other states are also flooding and the national coverage- especially of the bushfires- is minimal. They have trouble balancing new stories.
sometimes I write things and worry it may be mis-interpreted.
Me either, I didn't mis-interpret it at all.Incidentally, didn't interpret your comment as a political point.