Florida December 2010- January 2011

What else can I say but magic, brilliant & fantastic pics carljwnc :yourock:

Those reflection pics, especially the one with the palm tree & the little island are brilliant. :raz:

That Pink Spoonbill (thought it was a Flamingo at first) what a magnificent bird. :)

As they say the early bird gets the worm (& you got it). The silhouette at sunrise with the Egret landing on top of the tree is a beauty. :ebiggrin:

And that bird with it's wings stretched out drying is magic :raz:

Mr Turbo
Thank you mr turbo!!!:ebiggrin:

The early bird, in this case, gets the glassy, still water and more birds.

I thought the spoonbill was a flamingo too when we first saw it, but I don't think there are any pink flamingos in FL.

The sunset pics we got are pretty good, but the sunset we were after never manifested, next time hopefully.:)
The Pics are just Steller !!! Man great job you and your Wife should work for National Geographic Magazine.

Superb pics Carl....

Makes me wanna upgrade from my D50 - which I absolutely adore.

Thanks Tweaksta!!!

I think what my wife would say about your D50 is, it's more the lens than the camera. Her D70 takes just as good a picture as the D300, but she has always invested in the best lenses. I don't know what lens you have, but you might want to build up a lens collection before investing in a new camera body.