Forum Member
Well when I bought my MY02 Foz mid this year it had 119,***km on the clock. There was only the service history that had been done by the dealer every 25,000km as the owners husband had changed the oil and spark plugs himself. It also had the histoy of the 100,000km major service which included the timming belt and the other essensials which was done at 110,000km. There was only the one middle aged lady owner of the car and she had never taken it offroad which was a bonus. Since July the car now has 130,4**km on it. I have had it serviced once, had the brake pads replaced, 2 new tires on the front, master and slaver cylinder replaced as the clutch kept sticking to the floor. All of that except for the master and slave cylinders are just general maintance. The real upside when I bought it was that it had low kms for its age, one owner, never been offroad and just had the major service done. So yes I would buy a car with reasonable millage. Maybe not over 200,000kms as then more things (major maintance) issues have to be replaced and repared but it also being a Subaru they are very reliable. But I plan to get 250,000+km out of it before I sell it if not running it into the ground.