Has anyone used a wheel winch? (aka Bush Winch)

Just wondering if anyone has used one of these/seen them in action?
Bush Winch

Reminds me of old school bush technology where you replaced a wheel with a rim and did the same sort of thing to get out of trouble. It's a lot cheaper (and lighter) than a traditional winch.
Not as easy to use, and hopeless in situations where you are up to your clacker in water/mud but...

(hopeless might be too strong a word)
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Reminds me of old school bush technology where you replaced a wheel with a rim and did the same sort of thing to get out of trouble.

I have used that method a number of times when out trapping & shooting rabbit & roo's for a living in my younger days. The old Morris Cowley ute was a good bush ute. Much like a tortoise slow & steady and reliable.

Morris Cowley Ute
Looks like its just for sand though. As far as we know subarus doing just fine in sand.
Situation in video why not just lift car and put sand tracks under then , its nice weather and all there.
By the sound of the previous replies, I'm better off sticking with my clunky old creeper winch