Wow! This is an amazing .......
...... price.
Too bulky for my liking. If you are going to cart something thast size around, why not cart an electric winch? And if you want something small enough to keep under your seat, a hand winch is the go.
(Had my hand winch for years. Used it exactly twice. Once to rescue a bloke in a Commodore who was somewhere he certainly should not have tried to go in that car, and once to move a 10,000 litre water tank. (Not a full one, of course.) We had to move it to one side to dig a big hole to lower it into so that the inlet was lower than the shed roof. Did that easy-peasy by attaching a webbing strap to the tractor. But you can't push on a string and trees meant that we couldn't tow it back into the new hole from the other side, so I winched it back with the trusty hand winch. Took maybe half an hour instead of five minutes with the tractor, but did the trick.Tank is now full and we are good to stand a couple of dry suimmers.)