Electronic Rust/Corrosion Inhibitors

Telecom uses cathodic protection in various corrosive situations, like at Port Pirie ... It works.

At first I thought that said Catholic protection. Divine intervention? :rotfl:

Quite simply, the electrolytic and chemical reactions are transferred from the object being protected to something that is more reactive electrically or chemically than that object

The same process is why steel is zinc coated, zinc is more reactive so it corrodes instead of the steel. Not sure how the additives in stainless steel work.

Kevin, how much was the ERPS system?
^ I'll check but I think around $400-500
^ When you consider that it cost me $1,000 to fix the rust around the windscreen in my '93 Impreza, that's cheap! And so was the price for the repairs to Roo1. Buckets Panels had quoted me over $2,500 for the same job (actually, for a lesser job ... ).

BTW, the rust was caused by a sloppy windscreen replacement - the guy damaged the paintwork under the seal when he did it, and the rust started to show up about 5-6 years later ... :(.
I got ERPS fitted just before taking the car to the beach near Noosa. Awesome fun!
Got home and still gave it a real good hose through the underside and in all the holes.

I trust it will work fine however only time can tell. :)