My Old Kentucky Home


Emeritus Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
Fairview, North Carolina USA
Car Year
Car Model
Forester Touring
I wasn't born there, but I did grow up a good bit in 'ol Lexington KY.:) Cool place and I've recently found some old friends lurking about there. This time the trip was more about meeting a friend, who I met in Lex., but has since moved out to San Francisco. She was coming back, with band in tow, to play a couple of shows.:cool: She is also a good friend of my sisters, so early Sat. morning I hopped into my sisters Hyundai with her and her husband to make the 5hr. drive to Lex.


Up and over, headed out of NC, some where ahead lies the TN boarder and a few more mountain passes on the way to KY.


This is Gayle!!! As soon as she saw us she ran around frantically for a minute to find her camera. I've only seen her once in the last ten years or so, and that was just for a few minutes, a joyful reunion was about to occur.:ebiggrin:


Gayle and my sister were college dorm neighbors some 25yrs. ago, that's how I got to know her. A bit later in life, just after my first wife left me, Gayle was my roommate out in San Francisco. This was a perfect match, I was down in the dumps and she is the happiest, most full of good energy person I've ever known. She really helped me through a difficult time, and we had a lot of fun being roomies.


Gayle Lynn and the Hired Hands play The Green Lantern in Lex. with fellow band Mississippi Rider. They kept mixing it up on stage amongst members so it was really like one big Bluegrass jam session. This was an early show before the party that was to come later.




A tobacco farm!?!?!? Actually it's a cattle farm but I guess they have room for other stuff as well.

Stamping Ground KY, turns out that there was a little party going on in this field. Two hay trailers lined with incredibly awesome food, good folks, kids, dogs, all the fixins' for a good time.



There were a couple of canoes, a kayak, and a good sized creek to paddle around in.


A classic KY field tree.


A took a little hike up to the ridge behind the creek just to take some pics.




The bands hadn't made it in from The Green Lantern show yet, but nothing a few of the Logston clan couldn't fix.


Yay, they made it!!! No lights for the stage, so a few torches had to make due. They got to play for about 45 mins. before the rain started coming down and they had to pack up their equipment.:sad:

The rain didn't stop the bonfire from being lit, note the 'KY farm ignition system', the big propane tank with a blow torch.:bcool:


It was getting late and the rain weeded most of the folks out, about 20 of us ended up at mine and my sisters friend Phil's house just up the hill. The porch party is where things really got cookin'.


This madness went on till 3:30am, I was the early bird couch crasher at 1:30am.:rolleyes:


Because I went to sleep early, I got the chance to get up before any one else and admire the morning.


I really wanted to take advantage of this, but never had time.


The kids who live there and their cousins apparently spend hours jumping between the hay rolls.:newmulti:
wow, just listened to their music, must be awesome live! gonna get their cd.

They are excellent!!! And much better live, especially on the porch with the rain coming down on the tin roof, but more on that soon, thought I was done, but not quite....


'Silage' rolls, fermenting hay continuously wrapped, about 1/4mi. long.

Well then we were on our way home, but we took one little side trip and visited the Smoky Mountain Knife Works shop lots of cool, fun, sharp and pointy stuff inside.:ebiggrin:

Outside I stumbled on this...



We're on a car forum, so I gotta do at least one. I'm not a big Mustang fan, but you wouldn't have to twist my arm too far to get me to take a spin in this.:biggrin:

Have to leave you with this Misisipi Rider on the porch and you can hear the down pour start in the back ground. Music dosn't get any better than this, unfortunately my point and shoot can't capture it too well, so be warned.:iconwink:

[ame=""]YouTube - The Partys at Our House Again by Doug Blumer[/ame]
There's nothing better than catching up with some old friends. :)
Great to see that you didn't let the rain dampen your fun filled night of entertainment. :)
And what can I say about the band...fantastic...:yourock:

Mr Turbo
There's nothing better than catching up with some old friends. :)
Great to see that you didn't let the rain dampen your fun filled night of entertainment. :)
And what can I say about the band...fantastic...:yourock:

Mr Turbo

T'was an awesome and much needed weekend.:cool: The whole unemployment thing has really been getting me down, so I've got to get some fun in there somewhere. The wife and kids were at the beach, so it was good to hang with my sis and see our friends. If I'd stayed home that weekend I might have gone nuts.:huh::iconwink: