MCM brumby build

Hey Richard! Good to see your username pop up again!

Look what we picked up recently (it was their fault really):

It’s bitter sweet in that I remember how good your wagon was and no one wanted it. This one is a 1985 model - I never knew the MYs to be beyond 1984 other than the brumby.

Anyway I digress.

I hope you’re well mate and are enjoying the series, it was unexpected and an absolute blast! Hopefully we’ll see them again at Subinats!


Another snow-mobile?
Funny you should say that Kevin. It turns out this little beast was up at Hotham when we were there for the season in 2011. Apparently back then it was owned by one of the bus drivers - I might even have a pic of it buried away in a hard drive because I know if I saw it and I had my camera I would’ve taken a pic or two of it.

