Yes, thanks, Kevin, let's indeed keep this civilized and reasonable. I agree on Scalman.
But I know more about eastern Europe than you think

I have zero problem catching 90+% of spoken TV/formal Russian and I get through Ukrainian as well.
I have followed closely the local sources in the local languages and the US study of war institute.
I am pretty confident that:
1/ Putin believed his narrative which is why:
2/ He in fact is not targeting any civilians. If he wanted to, this would have been over already. Even the US causes collateral damage. It is clear to me that the images advertised as hits on civilian targets are either collateral damage, plain mistakes, or some local commanders taking the initiative. Harming civilians was clearly not the intention.
3/ Consequently, Attack 1 was very light.
4/ And because the Ukrainians were not waiting with flowers and cakes, as apparently Putin had hoped, it failed badly.
5/ Massive regrouping, repositioning, and resupply over the last couple days signals a much more powerful wave.
6/ But Russian morale is surely going through the floor as 18-20-year olds realize what they were placed into. Every burnt armored vehicle they see is a knife in the heart.
7/ Correspondingly, Ukrainian morale is through the roof.
I believe Ukraine needs a compromise with substantial concessions but I fear all the support, which I personally do like and I donated for orphaned kids myself, is making them maximalists.
This is a very dangerous situation because Putin cannot win this in the long term but he cannot lose in the short term either--and there is the current Russian doctrine on tactical nuclear weapons to consider, too.
Every war causes immense suffering, but this one is dangerous on a global scale.
Hope you are all guys doing well. We have offroaded 4 Sundays in a row so cannot complain. Generally, we offroaded a ton in 2017-21 and have a good start in 2022.