Forum Member
Long story short the speedo has stopped working on my 04 forester X with 165k on the clock. Unfortunately it is not the speedo sender unit($190), so I believe it must be the nylon gear with in the gearbox that drives the sender unit. SO it is a gearbox out and spit open job, more work than I am prepared to undertake I think.
I do want to change the gearbox oil and see if there is anything in there that might confirm my suspissions. Ive found what I think is the oil drain plug however it has a funny star shape in there and im not sure what I should use to open it. Any one have some suggestions?
I also want to confirm that the volume of oil in a manula is 3.5 litres. I have 4 L and Im along way from the shops if this is not enough.
thanks for any help you can offer.
Long story short the speedo has stopped working on my 04 forester X with 165k on the clock. Unfortunately it is not the speedo sender unit($190), so I believe it must be the nylon gear with in the gearbox that drives the sender unit. SO it is a gearbox out and spit open job, more work than I am prepared to undertake I think.
I do want to change the gearbox oil and see if there is anything in there that might confirm my suspissions. Ive found what I think is the oil drain plug however it has a funny star shape in there and im not sure what I should use to open it. Any one have some suggestions?
I also want to confirm that the volume of oil in a manula is 3.5 litres. I have 4 L and Im along way from the shops if this is not enough.
thanks for any help you can offer.