Advertising Hell


Jul 28, 2008
Sydney, Oz
Car Year
Car Model
This is a new take on Automotive hell.
A major carmaker has just filed a patent in the US that essentially uses the same kind of tech currently employed to read roadside speed signs, only this time to beam roadside billboards insidiously right onto your car’s infotainment display.
That’s not, like, totally distracting.
It gets worse: These would come with ‘more information’ or ‘special offers’. Calls to action.
Bloody repetitive ads on tv are bad enough and drive me up the wall. Long live the ABC although their promos get annoying at times.
All billboards should be banned as they are specifically designed for deliberate driver distraction and hardly a positive road safety item.
I remember some 15, or so, years ago when the QLD transport department, in their wisdom, deliberately hung large advertising signs for personalised number plates upside down to attract attention above the Ipswich freeway. Don`t think they remained there for too long.
Beaming ads into your car is absolute stupidity IMHO.
It would be illegal in Australia, well at the moment anyway.
Nothing to say that if the top end of town tipped in enough "pineapples" to the State Govt. that they wouldn't consider changing the rules.
Queenslander's driving without due care and attention face the risk of being slapped with a $533 fine. Actual Case
"It would be illegal in Australia, well at the moment anyway".
The onus is, as it should be, on the driver. But it is soooo easy to be distracted, more so if some external force is deliberately trying to do so.
All billboards should be banned
Indeed! I cannot see it being approved here because there's fines even if a passenger has a phone / tablet display going that the driver can see. I'm happy that my cars do not have all the ICE displays of later model vehicles.
I like my hands free ICE displays Kevin, I always have WAZE maps as my main screen. I like to know where the cops have their speed cameras set up along with their mobile speed camera trailers.
It's also great for keeping an eye on the traffic flow etc. and for giving you an ETA for your arrival. I don't know how they do it but the ETA is never wrong. :eek:
So, how are others updating the Waze maps - as they're driving! ;)
I use either my `phone, with a less than wonderful, GPS built in when driving the trusty Forester or my Navman in the van.
Speaking of my Navman I will never recommend them because they subscribe to the planned obsolescence society. The battery is neither accessible nor replaceable. When it is stuffed throw it all away.
So, how are others updating the Waze maps - as they're driving! ;)

Hopefully they have a passenger like I do, that does it for them. (y)
Otherwise it's 3 taps on the screen. :eek:

I stopped using the TomTom that you & Peaty helped me to purchase from the US, about 10 years ago. The maps became too big for the SD card.
I understand that Waze already pops up ads?
Indeed! I cannot see it being approved here because there's fines even if a passenger has a phone / tablet display going that the driver can see. I'm happy that my cars do not have all the ICE displays of later model vehicles.
The Stereo cover on the SVX was before its time, I've got a nice little unit in there now. Once I've selected my tunes and destination I close the cover and hey presto, no distractions!
What about the teenagers up here (QLD) stealing a whole range of cars and causing death. surely they outweigh all the BMW, Subaru and Porsche drivers.
What about the teenagers up here (QLD) stealing a whole range of cars and causing death. surely they outweigh all the BMW, Subaru and Porsche drivers.
Maybe they’re only stealing high performance BMWs, Subarus and Porches?

I know down here in parts of Vic they don’t steal poop bombs like back on the day with a screw driver. They steal the car’s fob and off they go - the ultimate screw driver for a modern vehicle.

For this reason, always ensure ALL your windows and doors are locked at night. That’s how the little pricks get your keys - they get into your house through an unlocked back door while you’re sleeping. Auto garage doors also help as the fob for that is either on the car keys or in the car, or alternatively they can push the button from the inside of your garage to get out…

Many a high end car was stolen in benders using this method by the young eshay folk. They don’t want to be seen on their Facebook or instagram flogging a poopheap, they want to be seen in a luxury high performance vehicle for that extra street cred and a ride they’ll most likely never afford themselves in their lifetime.


^ Bennie, I couldn't agree more.

Some little thugs stole our neighbour's BMW key fob from his car while it was in his (open) garage (!). It cost him about $1,200 for a new, reprogrammed one.
Yes, everyone wants one but they are very hard to steal; even with a key :p

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Haha, bloody auto correct/tiredness, you got me good there!

@Ratbag - if your neighbour had a new fob programmed hopefully they unprogrammed the old fob as I’ve also heard of these being sold between crims with the vehicle’s details and location. Then it gets used for other criminal activities when the time “is right”.

My colleague’s friend who is up high on the professional’s ladder had both of their high end cars stolen on the same night. An Audi (not an Aldi @Kevin) and a BMW suvs from what I was told. I’m not sure that they ever got the cars back.

