It’s not a good situation and I don’t think it’s restricted to several countries - it’s possibly a world wide issue.
When does the private vehicle ownership become saturated with offroad orientated vehicles? When does this flow over to actually using said vehicles offroad and thus saturate our natural environments to the point that it can’t recover (not that it should have to!) between major influxes?
It could get to a point of off-roading via a licence system, or mandatory to be part of an official club, or the governments makes it an expensive user pays system (how do you police that?!) or all of the above.
As you all know, this is why it’s so important to do all the different tread lightly/leave no trace principles/actions!
It’ll be a sad day if/when it come to this.
I wish ppl would take responsibility for their actions and ACTUALLY respect our natural environments and the various creatures that call it their home, we are the guests! It is not a place to flog “out of sight, out of mind” - I saw plenty of that on our recent trip to the Vic deserts, one area in particular that is quite special to us
End rant.
@Dave Hansford - I hope the situation over there gets better. Maybe a proposal is to close those beach areas to a strict permit system only. While admin and initial setup of this would be somewhat costly, it would keep those out there accountable. Cameras at each entry point could easily record illegal entry to the area and fines imposed accordingly.