Bucketing in Sydney


Jul 28, 2008
Sydney, Oz
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Residents have been told to stay at home and it is wet wet wet! Really happy that I live near the top of a hill in these weather conditions!
Yeah, wouldn't want to be stuck at the bottom of a valley down there at the moment.
Got power back approx 1130 :Bacon:. Going to be the worst flooding in the Nepean / Hawkesbury since 1961 - but back then it was all farms and now mainly houses! :eek:
Sunny and 30C today! Unfortunately flood waters will keep rising
It's only a matter of time before insurers start suing local councils for permitting building on flood plains ...
Power went out 5 hours ago at 0415
Good, you are now off-grid and off-track. Just kidding. Stay safe and afloat, @Kevin!

It's only a matter of time before insurers start suing local councils for permitting building on flood plains ...
Plenty of those houses built on flood plains here in AKL, especially because of the housing crisis. Some houses are poorly-built, too. Oh well, in modern engineering, if a structure can stand for 50 years, it's good enough.
House Insurance companies are already very picky as to who they will insure now, don't worry about the future.
2.5 yrs ago I had flood insurance on my contents at a house I was renting while we built a new home 250m away (crow fly), our new home is 3m higher than the flood level of the rented home.
We sent copies of the developers council approved land levels, Council flood level plans for the area along with actual photos of the house showing how high it was above the road level, how high it was situated compared with other homes in the street, they still refused to insure our new home.

This same insurance company screwed over people in the Townsville floods of January 2019. :mad: :mad:
Ouch. Name and shame? ;)
I approached my insurance company a couple of years ago to drop flood insurance - was told you can only opt out if you live in a flood zone!
Wouldn't it f**k you?

Actually flood insurance in a normal policy not only covers water penetrating from ground level, it also covers you for flooding from above, or breakage of pipes.

But never forget that insurance companies are merely actuarial gamblers, and have the morals that are often associated with such persons
Not necessarily; in some policies it is separate: