I do everything that I'm comfortable with. A Subaru oil change is about the easiest one out there.
Nice thing about Subies is that they are
very user friendly when it comes to servicing. An excellent resource is
ScoobyMods, if I don't know the answer to something I'll often find it there. (Please, if at all possible, make a donation, ScoobyMods is a great resource and can always use your $upport) Also, use the search button here, myself as well as others have done some nice write ups on a few things and, of course, encourage more write ups as folks do different things.
Easy DIY stuff; brakes, spark plugs/wires (N/A anyway), air filter, alternator and A/C belts, O2 sensors, and I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of right now....
Just do as much research as possible and don't get in over your head (I'm
not doing Blubaru's timing belt) and have fun with it.:iconwink: