Which GPS?


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2008
Perth Australia
Car Year
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XT lux manual

I'm a GPS newby looking to purchase one soon. Would like some recommendations from more experienced folk.
My requirements are:
1. Easily downloadable maps - I will be taking this overseas and want to download maps for that country prior to going (2 month trip to Canada coming up)
2. Long battery life
3. Can be used both in-car and hand held
4. durable, rugged and fairly compact for handheld backpacking
5. good for both onroad and for marking offroad tracks
6. voice directions
7. I want a dedicated GPS, not a PDA or mobile phone

For city use just basic functions are fine, I don't need speedtrap warnings fuel prices etc

No set budget, but probably looking at a mid range one
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I'm another GPS Noob. Am thinking about a Tom Tom one (want functionality, not necessarily all the latest wiz bangs).

Will this run Ozieexplore , Hema Maps, etc - and do it OK?

Has anyone else got one of these / have experience with them?

Any comments / alternative recommendations?
I'm another GPS Noob. Am thinking about a Tom Tom one (want functionality, not necessarily all the latest wiz bangs).

Will this run Ozieexplore , Hema Maps, etc - and do it OK?

Nope. You need either a PDA type GPS or one that allows loading of different types of maps.

I recently purchased the TwoNav - haven't had time to play with it much yet. It has pre-loaded Navteq (on road) and Hema (off road) but can also run other map types. The speaker is a little soft for onroad directions but can easily plug it into the audio system. I wanted to use it as a PDA but there is no access to the op. system - enquiries are out re how to do this.
I recently got a laptop (thanks to krudd 50% tax incentive)and a usb GPS. Don't have any software as yet but I'm going to try Earthbridge and Google maps (both free) on the next offroad venture as see how it goes
I recently got a laptop (thanks to krudd 50% tax incentive)and a usb GPS. Don't have any software as yet but I'm going to try Earthbridge and Google maps (both free) on the next offroad venture as see how it goes

won't you need an internet connection to use google earth?
you can download the map files from the cache for offline use apparently. Haven't tried it yet but there's info about it on the web
How difficult can this be???

Trying to identify an entry level GPS that will let me use HEMA & Oziexplore maps.

Need an 'all in one' unit that will attach to the windscreen. No room for a laptop, touch screen, etc.

Anyone know of a Garmin that will do this for under $300? (I can usually work out what I'm doing with technology, but am totally out of my depth here!)