Mount Mee - Brisbane area


Forum Member
Oct 16, 2017
Brisbane Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester X Luxury, sump guard, bigger AT tyres and 50mm Subieliftoz lift, breather extensions
I met up with another member of Mountain Roo Qld yesterday and ran a few tracks at D'Aguilar State Forest Mount Mee, about 30 minutes North West of Brisbane. We've had a bit of rain over the last couple of weeks with some big storms so the rangers had some of the tracks closed due to their poor condition. The tracks on Mount Mee are graded as easy, moderate and hard. The easy tracks are well-maintained gravel tracks that can be easily driven in the average family car so we decided to use these only to move between the tracks with some challenge.

Only 2 of the tracks are really worthy of mention. A Break, the only difficult track that was open and one other small, unnamed track that was closed but the closure was notified only at one end of the loop and we entered at the other end, not knowing about the closure until we'd finished. Oops!

A Break is a steeply undulating track with lots of diagonal drainage lumps and a couple of very steep climbs. We followed a group of 3 big 4X4 vehicles then turned around at the end and followed them back. They were not certain they would make it up the steepest of the climbs. They did and so did we.

The second track had a few short, steep, bumpy sections but mostly mud holes (hence the closure)
How far is the mountain to you?

It's a good thing those tracks are rated. We don't have track ratings here, just user-made ones on Wikiloc. There is a group who made maps and rated the trails using Jeep Trail Difficulty Ratings but the maps are somewhat on the dearer side.
It takes me an hour to drive to Mount Mee from where I live. I don't know who did the trail ratings or what criteria they use for rating them but after having driven both black and yellow (hard and moderate) I would think the black ones are only moderate. I didn't find any tracks that you couldn't easily negotiate in a lifted Forester. A standard Foz would have issues with clearance but not with traction.

Maps for Mount Mee showing the main trails and the ratings are available on the National Parks website. I downloaded a pdf and got it printed on A3 at my local newsagent for 50 cents.
[MENTION=15642]Beachworm[/MENTION] Just a note re Facebook videos - I and I imagine several others here do not use FB so we cannot view the videos because FB requires a logon. :-(
Hi Kevin,

There are two solutions to this problem. One requires a little bit of effort from you with a number of great benefits. The other requires a lot of effort from me with no benefits to me at all and benefit to you only when I reference Facebook posts from my friends.

Firstly, you can easily join Facebook. You don't need to provide personal information except your email address and you can even use a false name if you want to maintain anonymity. It should take you no more than 5 minutes.

You can then join two Facebook groups, Offroad Subarus Australia and the chapter of Mtn Roo in your state. This will connect you with 5000 people or more in Australia who own Subarus and use them off road, many of them in your region. You can contribute to discussions and enjoy photos and videos that they post or just be a silent observer.

The biggest benefit is to be able to meet up with other group members for off-road outings and trips that you would otherwise miss out on. It also puts you in touch through private messaging with people near you with skills and experience that may be of interest to you as you modify and maintain your car.

Finally, but of no less import, is that you will have access to Facebook Marketplace with notifications when people from your groups put Subaru related items up for sale or ask around to see if anyone has an item for sale.

I understand that some of these features are already available to you through this forum but the Facebook groups have a much wider and more active membership and it seems to me, a younger demographic with some great ideas (along with some rubbish).

Consequently, I will not spend time trying to figure out how or even if it is possible for me to make videos posted to Facebook by others available to you via some other platform. Perhaps having Facebook membership as the only option may be a small incentive to try something new.
My lifetime career in Information Technology says this will never happen! :iconwink:

So either you are a Luddite at heart or there's something you're not telling me.
My lifetime career in Information Technology says this will never happen! :iconwink:

:thumbsup: Good for you. I use facebook under duress, pretty much only for the reasons Beachworm listed, and the occasional updates from family.

The whole facebook interface to me is quite horrible in the way it works.
My way of thinking is that it's not much different than microsoft OS- there are better available, but for some reason most people use microsoft.

Lowest common denominator appeals to the masses I guess.
It's OK @Beachworm, I have really good imagination!

I was one of the earlier adopters of Facebook but I was already experiencing security issues that time. In 2012, I deleted my account as I didn't really need it when doing field work.
It's OK @Beachworm, I have really good imagination!

I was one of the earlier adopters of Facebook but I was already experiencing security issues that time. In 2012, I deleted my account as I didn't really need it when doing field work.

I opened an account with Facebook about 20 years ago and I have had no problems whatsoever. I have always applied the following rules to Facebook use.
1. do not include any personal information other than your name and email address
2. don't post personal photos on your own account, only through trusted, closed groups
3. never accept friendship requests from people you don't know personally
4. restrict access to all but friends
5. block anyone who posts offensive material
6. avoid posting anything on your personal page

I accept that your experience may be different but so far I have found it to be a useful way to keep informed though I suspect many of my friends think I'm dead because of the lack of visible activity on my account.

As it seems some may have valid reasons other than technophobia for not using Facebook, I will investigate ways to provide you access to my contacts' videos and photos. You should consider, however, that using snapchat, photobucket, youtube etc. all have their own issues in relation to security. I would love to see some improvements made to allow simple, quick inclusion of visual material directly into my posts on this site. I have owned and used personal computers since before the internet became the internet and I have never come across a site that has a less intuitive method of directly sharing visual material.
I don't use Friendface either.

Not technophobia....I too have a lifetime career in I.T. I was one of the first to be on FB and one of the first to get off back in 2012. It feels good. No regrets. My life has improved.
Hi Kevin,

You don't need to provide personal information except your email address

With all due respect, sorry [MENTION=15642]Beachworm[/MENTION] , i am not sure i agree.

But otherwise I would love to see the vids...
I don't use Friendface either.

Not technophobia....I too have a lifetime career in I.T. I was one of the first to be on FB and one of the first to get off back in 2012. It feels good. No regrets. My life has improved.

I saw somebody refer to it as Faecesbook today on another Forum. :rotfl:
I have twice had a FB Acct and twice I have removed everything I could and then closed my Account.The last time being approx. 2 mths ago.

I will Never Ever Return to :censored: Faecesbook!