I don't call myself a greenie but I sure as hell am a passionate environmentalist. What is happening to the forest in Toolangi is absolutely disgusting! This is the LAST stronghold of the Leadbeaters Possum, a critically endangered animal & Victoria's faunal emblem.
Toolangi is also home to giants...real giants. There used to be giant gum trees here that could have been 100m tall, making them the tallest trees in the southern hemisphere. Most have been logged.
Big gum trees are now protected (supposedly). Anything with a certain cisrcumference or bigger is protected by law & it is illegal to log or otherwise harm it.
A while ago, a massive gum tree was designated as protected, not only for its size but also that it had a family of Leadbeaters Possums living in it. A few weeks later, this tree was ringbarked then set on fire. No prizes guessing by who....
There are many, many cases of environmental vandalism in Toolangi. There is so much illegal logging in Victoria, it's shameful.
Do you get offended by illegal logging in the Amazon?
How about illegal logging in Indonesian rainforests?
Guess what, Australia is one of the top ten countries in the world for deforestation and a lot of that is illegal.
We are NUMBER ONE for species extinction!!!
What you all don't understand is there is a war going on. Extremist loggers vs extremist greenies. I choose neither side as any extremism is bad, whether its religious, environmental, political or whatever. Extremism is bad!!!
This spiking was done by extremist greenies as a response to extremist loggers. They should both be up on charges!
I'm not trying to defend the extremist greenies who did this, but I want everyone to understand why it was done