CV Boots falling off.

Ben Up North

can only hope to improve
Oct 1, 2017
Car Year
2004 | 1992
Car Model
SG Forester X MY05 | 92 SVX
5MT D/R | 4EAT
I seem to have a problem, one of my inner front CV boots keeps coming off.

The mechanic has used cable ties to hold it in place. The other one, which doesn't fall off uses a metal band.

Is it normal to use cable ties to hold them on?

The mechanic tells me it is and that he has talked to Network CVs (whoever they are) who states that this is going to happen with a vehicle lifted this much (2 1/2 inches at front).

Does anyone here use cable ties on their lifted subaru?
Does anyone here have a similar problem to mine?

As an example, I tool the car to the mechanic yesterday to see where the oil is coming out (camshaft seal) and they put it back on. We've driven about 25kms in it on flat sealed roads and it's come off again.

I think I need to find a better mechanic.
Plastic Zip Ties, no, Metal Zip Ties can work. Preferable to use the Metal Band. You can buy them new from Subaru for a few dollars.
Have used plastic cable ties and also metal worm drive hose clamps with success.
Must be done up tightly though. Hose clamps must be used in pairs 180 degrees apart to keep balance. Count worm threads to keep equal stresses.
I don't like the chances of a plastic cable tie holding on properly at high revolutions as the plastic has a tendency to stretch and become loose the faster you go.
The normal metal cv boot attachment would be the preferred option, if not ateday's idea of 2 metal hose clamps done up tightly, with the bulky screw part of the hose clamp set 180 degrees apart from each other to keep it balanced should do the trick.

I think I remember Kevin talking about some people getting a certain more heavy duty 4x4 cv boot and putting that boot over your stock boot ?? or something like that? to increase the life of cv boots on lifted subaru's....... i wonder if this would help your situation also??

That's correct, "someone" was using Toyota boots as I recall.

"The mechanic tells me it is and that he has talked to Network CVs (whoever they are) who states that this is going to happen with a vehicle lifted this much (2 1/2 inches at front)."

This is BS, mine don't slip off. Metal bands I think (without looking)
metal bands.. your mechanic is being lazy.
Here's the Toyota boots post:

Found a solution for the ripping CV boots. There was a thread over on AuSubaru.

Davidov on here has his front boots rip after 2 weeks of having a 3" strut lift put in. Ended up going o a CV joint place but instead of getting normal Subaru boots.
He got boots that are designed for a lifted Toyota Hilux. They are thicker and longer than standard boots, especially for a Subaru, thus making them more heavy duty.

Cost about $250 for the two front inner boots and fitted. Now another 2 guys on AuSubaru have gone to the same place and are getting the same boots put on.

I think this type of boot could me more suited to people who have exteme angles on their Subies.

That’s exactly the post I meant,
Thanks Kevin.

But it seems it’s not a bigger cv boot that you would fit over the oem Subaru cv boot , instead just using the lifted Hilux cv boots as a direct replacement?
I would be interested in this.

I reuse same metal bands that comes with my used axles. They still hold very good. Not those cheap chinese metal bands with screw.
Thanks for the feedback all.

I've read a number of forums where people have been perfectly happy with zip ties, but none of them were regarding lifted Subarus.
Plastic ties can heat up from wheel brakes and such or from engine.
You must use the big wide, + - a cm wide, ties if you go that way. Can`t comment on the smaller narrower ones. If using hose clamps you can fit in situ and tighten using a long screwdriver at will. There is sufficient clearance to adjust and clear hub.
Can also run a nylon stocking around boot fitted CV joint to hold together if it should crack or fail. Keeps dirt out but the grease leaking gives the failure away.
Never had problems with heat failure. Plenty of ventilation at speed. I would think that if your hub gets hot enough to cause failure check grease in CV joint. I have felt my front hubs after a run and they get warm but not hot. Maybe I don`t go fast enough.......
These look like little ones to me, certainly smaller than 1cm wide. two have been used. I'm going to insist on a metal one when it gets fixed.
+1 for using proper metal bands.
[MENTION=15623]Ben Up North[/MENTION] try this, easy to use yourself. Tighten the band until the rubber just starts to bulge:

The mechanic tells me it is and that he has talked to Network CVs (whoever they are) who states that this is going to happen with a vehicle lifted this much (2 1/2 inches at front).

Total rubbish! I've been running 3.5" lift at the front with 1" subframe spacers (equals 2.5" extra CV angles) with no issues for many years. The trick is to use OEM Subaru axles & OEM Subaru CV boots, although I am open to trying Hilux boots. Does anyone know exactly which ones? I'm sure there are different ones...

I think I need to find a better mechanic.

Yep! :lol:
I am open to trying Hilux boots. Does anyone know exactly which ones? I'm sure there are different ones...

I'll have to replace one of my front cv boots real soon so I may as well do them both.
If I knew which hilux boots to use I'd be happy to try it and report back.


EDIT: [MENTION=2617]NachaLuva[/MENTION] thanks for the ebay link!!
Ill be getting one of those.
If your cv boot has grease under the area that the band seals the cv boot, you're going to have huge difficulty in getting it to stay sealed up. You need to thoroughly clean the cv cup and boot surfaces of grease before fitting the metal band. One of those CV band tools are worth their weight in good when it comes to cv boot replacement.

You have a lazy mechanic it seems. Cv work isn't fun and it's usually very messy. I reckon he's avoiding this work by taking the easy route with the car tie fix. This can work as a bush fix to get you out of trouble (a "single use" plastic bag is also a good bush mechanic trick, but these are a dying tool).

Also make sure the boot is an inner boot that has the stretch in it and not an outer boot that has little stretch ability ;) Although I'd suspect the boot would split.


[MENTION=2617]NachaLuva[/MENTION] thanks for the link. unfortunately that one's out of stock at the moment.

The business has one last chance tomorrow. I'm hoping they've sacked the guy who's been working on my car the last couple of times it's been in.

I sent the owner a pretty strong email the other day about how the car has been treated by them recently. he's been pretty apologetic and has OEM bands in to do the CV tomorrow.

The owner is a nice guy, lives just around the corner from me and they have been pretty good over the years we've been going there. I think the main problem is they've grown so much since we started using them, now they're flat out all the time but still make time for me.
[MENTION=145]El_Freddo[/MENTION] it's definitely an inner boot, heaps of movement available. was only replaced last service, about 3k ago.
Hmmm... Sounds like it wasn't done properly in the first place, or the boot is a cheap replacement with reduced stretch, but again I would expect this to tear on extension if metal bands were used to hold the boot in place.

