Snow / Hold Button


Jul 28, 2008
Sydney, Oz
Car Year
Car Model
I got confused by the radio chatter of other club members about using the snow button. Snow button???.

Older auto models have a switch where one operation is "Power" which changes the shift points and the other operation is "Hold" which is used for slippery conditions and will start in 2nd gear and will "Hold" up to a selected gear e.g. is 3rd is selected it will use just 2nd and 3rd. The "Hold" switch displays "Hold" and a snow symbol on my dash when on. The full description:

'1’ Range: first gear is held and upshift will not occur. Engine braking is also provided by a high pressure application of the relevant
drive clutch components to prevent slippage under extreme loads, i.e. steep downhill descents.
‘2’ Range: The vehicle will take off in 2nd gear with the ‘Hold’ switch on and will not up-shift. With the ‘Hold’ switch off, the vehicle
will take off in 1st and then up-shift to 2nd according to the shift map. Engine brake is also provided as in ‘1’ range.
‘3’ Range: With the ‘Hold’ switch on, the transmission will take off in 2nd gear but will quickly shift to 3rd gear as vehicle speed
increases and then hold 3rd gear. Engine braking occurs with reduced pressure application only at throttle angles less than 20 degrees.
With the ‘Hold’ switch off, normal 1-3 shift occurs.
‘D’ Range: Provides for fully automatic shift control according to the selected shift pattern map. With the ‘Hold’ switch turned on
however, the transmission will take off in 2nd gear, which provides for better traction in extremely slippery conditions (ice and snow).
With the VTD auto, but NOT the MPT auto, the "hold" switch also locks the centre diff to 50/50 in 1st & 2nd. Extremely useful when offroad in slippery conditions or when lifting wheels.

Despite a few people thinking otherwise, the MPT auto does NOT do this. You can however do the "centre diff lock mod" on SF & SG era MPT autos. DIY here:

4EAT Diff Lock Mod
Hi folks, thank you for such a detailed explanation.
When should one have the switch on the power setting?
Many thanks.
I think , through further research on this site that I have answered my own question.
The power function holds the gear change until you have higher revs. It gives you a sportier function.
There is a neutral position for the switch which I intend to use for normal driving.
G'day & Welcome @Loumos Your thinking is correct. (I usually leave mine on the "power"setting.)
I miss snow/power button on my newer 5eat car so i dont have anymore hill holder option but i had on older 4eat? How so? It was neat option leave car in middle of hill and it would just hang there in place. I dont trust handbrake now wouldnt leave car on it.