what's on table?


Forum Member
Dec 1, 2017
Car Year
Car Model
2006 3.0R 5EAT Sportshift VDC/VTD LPG
5eat Sportshift
[MENTION=15735]1WD Foz[/MENTION] can you tell me what you have there on table. how they holding on for cooking something. ?
[MENTION=15721]scalman[/MENTION] yeah sure
from left to right i have a loaf of bread, then my grey fold up 2 burner gas cooker, 2 x beers and a pack of smokes lol

i have smaller single butane cookers but this one ^ is better as it uses less gas and cooks fast, has sides and a back for protection from the wind ,folds down a lot and i just got a small lpg gas tank to use with it for camping

hope that helps mate


That better ? Lol

Hahahahaha I made the fire then collected rocks to make the wall

How observant of you lmao

We’ve made some nice fire pits at quite a few spots

We are always fire safe,
always surround with rocks

Another of our favorite spots that we made a nice fireplace at


And this cool historical fireplace from the old gold rush which we found.
So awesome


aha very interesting . i bought similar plastic top table and cheaper not so comfy chairs. but they not terrible too. mine as those just green

how those chairs for you ? they comfy to sit for long time or no ?

and do you stay there for longer time so you put fire and stuff on table ? like you was planning that so you took all things.
because sometimes im appearing in cool places but i wasnt planing that so i dont have nothing with me haha. i should just keep those in car just in case i guess.
The table is not the best but we make do until i have my next addition :iconwink::cool:.
The chairs are awesome :discomonkey:

I love a bargain..... so the "half moon chair" is the chair on the left
Now that is very comfy.... but awkward to pack away (but worth it) and that cost me $18au on sale at rays outdoors (camping shop here)
and the chair on the right is a big chair with a cup holder and wine holder on the right armrest and a 4-6 can cooler bag attached to the left armrest, I got that for $20au on sale at Aldi (grocery shop here)
so far they are both really good to sit on for long amounts of time
and for the money are totally worth it in my opinion

Yes quite often my wife and I plan to go for a day trip, or even an afternoon trip, so i pack all these things into the car just before we go.

If i was you, to be more flexible, i would have a 1 burner butane cooker in your car with a pan for those random occasions or just start putting it in the car when you go for short trips in the bush/snow

so far that small gas tank that you see in my picture above has lasted me 3-4 months of continual use and still don't need a refill, and when i do it cost $11 to fill at rays outdoors

JCool. Yh when weather will get warmer i will carry more stuff in trunk .and i was using this small cooker for my morning coffes on that trip mine

I dont think i would cook on gas cooker if i have fire place near. Like if its camp site it will have fire place and if its not made for camping then ... Well maybe then i would use that with gas . still we dont have here such remote places that we would need eat so bad on trip as there is allways some shop ir gas station nearby.
If i would go like to russian syberia, well thats diff story.
And 1wd foz is that some kinda led light on roof i see on that one pic here?
And when i was buying that cheap chair i was sitting in them in shop and i found that that chair for 6 euros was not much worse then other for 25 euros. And for other reasons as its so light and takes less space you can even carry it in its bag like to some place you wanna sit and enjoy view. Those where reasons too for me.
In other times i like to sit inside car or in trunk even . sure i would be thinking differently if i would live in other areas .
And when i was buying that cheap chair i was sitting in them in shop and i found that that chair for 6 euros was not much worse then other for 25 euros. And for other reasons as its so light and takes less space you can even carry it in its bag like to some place you wanna sit and enjoy view. Those where reasons too for me.

The cheapies don't tend to last so long is the main difference (thinner, thus lighter)
The sun here tends to deteriorate them pretty quick
^ very true
ive owned a few "cheap" ones that are quite light but don't last long
plus the ones i have now (in 1st pic) have extra padding which makes them 10x more comfortable.

The sun here deteriorates everything quickly lol
including me :rolleyes:

I like my cheap chairs at least for now , i just used them couple times yet. But it was great to put them on side of car in Austria Alp mountains and just enjoy morning coffe outside car with small table too. It was enough comfy for me. I found others where really bad on that part where its hold you . but these quite good. And because no extra soft stuff on them i could use them on rain or wash them with water then dry and its done.
Cheap isn't bad, just doesn't last as long.
Mine has extra padding but is still completely waterproof, so can wet or wash them too, honestly ive had so many cheap chairs, i agree they arent bad .....the only reason i got a better one was because they dont last
Cool . mine table and chairs maybe not that sweet but they does job well too. More important whats on table haha

And refilling your coffe from mountain is best way haha
End of the day as long as everyone has a chair and no ones standing or sitting on the ground then we are all happy little vegimites.
I would love to drink such clear fresh water
I drink water like it’s going out of fashion lol
And I like your table
It looks very compact

yh it was some cheap plastic top table with folding legs 80x60 size . so i just put on one side in trunk and its not taking space at all. i could even sleep in bed with it being on side. so its good for that thing.