2012 Outback Dash Removal - newbie


Forum Member
Jan 30, 2017
Sydney, Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Outback 2.5i

I have a 2012 Outback 2.5i and I will be installing:
- Uniden 8060 radio (the plain black box with the handpiece with all the buttons on it)
- Driving lights

My friend will be helping - he is an electrician and experienced with Hilux's. He says the dash has to come off so the lights can be wired into the high beams circuit.Where do I start? Should I buy a PDF of the Service manual for my car + a cheap dash removal kit?

Surely this has been written about before, can someone point me in the right direction? Which part of dash to remove first?

Thanks very much
Definitely gets trim removal tools - but maybe it's just the under covering that needs to come off?
On Hold

I'm surprised the dash needs to come out.... would have thought everything you need was accessible under the steering wheel.
I'm surprised the dash needs to come out.... would have thought everything you need was accessible under the steering wheel.

my apologies to the webmeister -- I had a direct link to some subaru service manuals against site policy.

If you want a service manual - web search is your friend, and they can easily be found
^ correct - to maintain copyright protection, and to protect this site from litigation, links to illegal download sites for service manuals are not allowed here as per forum rule #5 :
5. We do not allow the distribution of copyrighted material, such as links to illegal download sites for service manuals, music, pirated software, etc.