Kayak Fishing.


Forum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Tathra, Far South Coast, NSW
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Thinking about getting a kayak for fishing this summer. Anyone doing any fishing from one. Interested to know your thoughts on what you have,what to get.:)
i've always wanted to do that around sydney harbour but i have a tinnie so i just use that. my mate has scannoe which we use for bass fishing. works very well
I use a sit-on-top kayak with an on-board bait holder, rod holder and room for a few coldies! I figured the sit-on-top (SOT) may leave you a bit more exposed to the elements, but it's way safer (and it's nice to dangle your tozzies over the side). If you do something really crazy and end up falling out, a SOT is a lot easier to get back on to, plus you don't have to bail out a kayak full of water. There's also no need to learn how to Eskimo roll - you don't need it. I've seen a few kayaks set up with on-board GPS and fish finders, so your budget will determine just how far you mod your 'yak.

They are fantastic for beetling around mangroves, estuaries, rivers, lakes etc. Some use bigger sea kayaks for open water, but many just use a SOT, providing the water's not too rough. Speaking of which, I put a couple of sink plugs in my drain holes and now stay perfectly dry unless there's a chop. In bigger waves I just remove the plugs and let the water drain out.

One of the big things to consider is how easy the damn thing is to get on to the roof of your car. Most of the "Angler" 'yaks are around 26kg, which I find a bit difficult solo. A really good investment is a trolley to get the kayak from the car to the water - lugging 26kg gets old pretty quick.

Unfortunately, my kayak is currenlty for sale. Since I smashed my arm just 3 months after I bought it, I can only paddle in circles! So, if you are after a near-new kayak with all the fruit...
Dude, asked the right guy...

Been doing it for years, last few years on a more professional level. Recently picked up sponsorship with Hobie and Ugly Fish sunglasses and am a mod/admin on the Australian Kayak Fishing Forum ( https://www.akff.net ). Currently own a Hobie Outfitter and a Hobie Quest and fish freshwater mainly but do journey to the south coast a lot. The AKFF forum is possibly one of the better forums around ( Apart from ORS :) ) and has loads and loads of information available.

I have written a few articles for Yak Fisher, Sport Fishing Australia, Water magazine as well as Kayakfishingmagazine.net and do talks at local fishing clubs in Canberra and the surrounds. Bumper had some good info for you, all of which I agree with... Kind of the reason I bought a Forester in the first place ( Roof not as high as 4WD ).

Hope this helps mate, leave you with my latest video :

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEhaHKbC2pQ"]YouTube - Googong Goldenizm[/ame]
I joined the other forum...Kayak Fishing Down Under. Actually i tried to join both but have no activation email from your site. They seem like 'sister' sites any way.Is this right?
I think i will be getting a smaller yak...maybe one of the Vikings,forget its name but it only ways around 18kgs.
I'm not in any hurry,just want to be ready around Oct.
Seems to me to a great way to get some of the dreaded exercise plus cheap to run and a lot of fun.
I've seen some of the set ups with electric motors and all the gear but i am going to stay 'uncomplicated', for the time being anyway.
As far as SOTs go i think this is the std set up isn't it? Even Hobbies are pretty much SOTs.
There is a fantastic looking one on ebay,pretty much new but the bidding is getting fierce. Started at 200 and now up to 800 with a few days to go.
Anyone in Melb interested it is under 'kayaks'... Heritage Redfish:)
Sister sites, nahhh not quite.

Long story but AKFF wins hands down, both will provide good info but ones a second rate version lol. PM me the email addy you used to register with and I will bump in through to head admin. Sue to ammount of spam emails the site gets it could have unfortunately been bypassed, will make sure it gets through ASAP.

I would recomend a SOT over a SIK, fairly basic and the Viking Espri should cater for your needs perfectly. Quite a nimble little yak and nice and light. My mate has one and goes a few kms offshore in it. Mind you he is a paddling demon...

Its a fun sport mate, enjoy...
Kayak Fishing Adventures - https://www.paffoh.blogspot.com
Thanks . Pardon my ignorance but 'email addy' ?????? What is this?
I was thinking of the Viking Ozzie to start with. Nice length, 2.7m and 17kg. Espri is 3.5 and 22.5kg. Nemo is 3.2 and20kg.
This will have to be my 'training wheels' and i won't be going outside until i get my fitness up.
I have emailed Viking to see if they have any factory seconds.
Funny i did not get a notification re your reply. It's happened with a couple of threads now.
What reel is that in your post? Daiwa Kixs??
Nah almost, Daiwa Advantage 2500 reel...

When you sign up with AKFF you would have had to use an email address of some sort to register, sometimes if its not in your name and uses a nikname or fictional character ( IE : Sylvester123@hotmail.com ) it can get overlooked due to the amount of spam. Good mates with the head admin so just need to know username you picked or email address you used to register at so I can get you on board.

Viking may even give you a discount if you say you are a new member to AKFF, some of the reputable retailers offer 10% minimum. Espri would be my pick of the bunch, but as you have realised any kayak will get you on the water, just be sure to get them to bang in some rod holders for you before you take it home and do it yourself ( Thats if it does not have any already ).
Thanks. I'll send you a PM Mon.
I use a Daiwa Kix 2500 for most of my light stuff and Certate 4000 when i need some beef. Used to be a Shimano man but am very impressed with the Daiwa gear and the Certate is a fantastic reel and love the fact that it is made in japan. You get what you pay for i suppose.
I'll take your advice onboard and have a look at the other sizes. I will get factory fitted rod holders but probably not the seats as i will need to get a pretty good one to support the 'not as young as it used to be' body.
I have got plenty of time and a good second hand one might well come up yet.
Silver, Great thread man! I have a 2011 and need roof gear for the 2 Kayaks. I also want a roof basket. They look pretty handy! So I was wondering what you like for kayaks and also if it is possible to have kayak holders and baskets on the roof at the same time. Is that doable? Thanks, challis