What is leaking?


Forum Member
Aug 1, 2008
Perth Australia
Car Year
2005 and 2015
Car Model
Forester and Outback
5 speed manual and 6 speed CVT
Today intended to do an in between service oil change on my 2014 2.0 D outback but couldn't do it as the sump plug is different from that of my Forester :o and I don't have the tool to open it :shake:

On inspection it was discovered that there is some leaking on the diver side - I think this is under the ABS but not sure.

It seems fresh as I can easily wiped it away with tissue paper.

Anyone know what would be leaking?

Thanks in advance
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Dunno mate. Trace it back and see what's above it. Also get a bit on your fingers and find out what it is that way - smell, feel, colour will give you some good indicators as to what type of fluid it is. Once you've got this you'll work out what it's from then work out exactly where it's coming from.


Torx. If it's the same as mine a T70. Good tool shops will have one. I go a 1/2" drive impact one as they are VERY tough and very close tolerence and are much less likely to turn out the middle of the bolt.
Tried again today with 10 and 12 mm hex key with no luck again - 10 mm is too small and too big with 12 mm :rock:
Will try with a 11 mm hex key again if can find time tomorrow :catfight:
Close inspection of the hole and doesn't look like Torx to me.

And good news, seems no more leak although there is slight residual...wiped it again and see what will show up next time.

Did some inspection and does not seem to have any active leak at all - might be from me spraying some degreaser couples of weeks back :redface:
Finally opened the plug with a 11mm hex key - still not perfect fit but at least I can open it. Also tried putting the sump plug of my forrester in and it fits perfectly.

Going to replace the plug with a fumoto drain valve.
I love my fumoto -- but my sump plug is located on the side of the sump, so the plug doesn't point downwards.

I'd be worried about putting an exposed plug on that sump -- it seems to point straight down.

Do you have to worry about a DPF reset when you do an oil change ? Something about the oil dilution being tracked in the ECU.
Do you have to worry about a DPF reset when you do an oil change ? Something about the oil dilution being tracked in the ECU.

I didn't plan to reset the DPF data initially as I only changed the oil (without changing the filter) but the ECU continue to regen the engine after the oil change. :catfight:

I just followed the manual and reset the DPF data successfully on my second try (didn't complete all the steps in time for the first time while reading the manual at the same time).
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