rear diff lock- possible solution?

elephant man

Forum Member
Sep 1, 2014
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long time lurker...
just found this in a thread over on a local jeep forum.
it regards a rear diff lock for a dacia duter- a small suv (competes with the XV). dacia is owned by renault wich in turn, is partner with nissan and share alot of parts- including diffs. the same diffs subaru and nissan share. look at the compatability list.
how can i tell from outside if the rear diff of a duster is an r160/180?
because if it is- then the road to rear diff lock on a forester is very short.
then again.. some of those (Nissan Navara D22, for example) are R180's... so you might have more luck going the nissan Lokka R180 route..
Just find an R160 SureTrac or Plated Centre

unless your car is an 02 (i think) onwards STi WRX, or 07 onwards Legacy GT SpecB,
it'll have an R160 rear end
I know an enthusiast....
Who installed a detroit locker in the rear of his Forester.
It was great but he kept frying the center diff so he created a locker for that....
That was great but then he started shearing drive shafts...
So he installed high flex drive shafts and started exploding CV joints.....

Over a beer last weekend I asked if I should head on that same path with my car, he sipped his beer, shook his head and started talking about fishing........
Funny that you should mention that, LV ... :iconwink:

My own saying is that if you want an E-Type Jaguar, buy one. Don't try to convert your Holden Commodore into one, because it doesn't work.
(among other cautionary tales along the same lines ... )

I think that your tale about your friend says it better ... :lol: :cool:.

The story concerning pig's ears and silk purses also comes to mind.

I am a firm believer in buying for purpose, then tweaking to suit; rather than buying something unsuitable, then trying to force it to suit. Almost always ends in tears - if only for one's bank account, then one is lucky ...
Gidday EM

Further to what I wrote in reply to LV, which model Forester/Subaru do you have?

If it's any version of the SG, series I or II, manual or auto, it will already have a vLSD in the rear and some version of something that acts like an LSD in the centre. All AWD Subies have the latter.

While a vLSD is not a locking diff, it does not carry the dangers both to yourself and to your wallet that a locker does either.

A vLSD also works, and works well, in spite of what some might say on forums like this one. It's just that they are all but unnoticeable when they are working. They are quite unlike all other forms of LSD in this regard.
thanks for the replays.
my fozz is an sg9 2008 x 2.0 auto.
I'm not looking to put makeup on a pig but rather try and offer a solution to a problem raised here by some.
RB, I didn't know I have a vLSD. good to Know.
Sure explains why it did so well in the mud and the faces of some very irritated jeep guys :)
You also have 500cc more engine capacity than you are aware of :ebiggrin:
VLSD's are the forgotten great item. The early Toyota rav4's had em in the centre and they were incredibly capable. Next model they we removed and lost huge amounts of their off road ability.