and more
COMMENT - What this means is that if you have someone parked in a caravan on YOUR OWN PROPERTY for more than 3 days you will need Permission from the Shire, Pay a fee and Put in a Management plan regarding Health and Safety concerns - this is Bureaucracy gone crazy.
5.3 State government and local government facilities
Holiday parks and camping grounds are not only owned or operated by private operators. Local governments and state government agencies,
such as the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW), operate their own facilities. DPaW owns approximately 300 facilities,
directly operating around 260 of those facilities, and are the biggest park provider in the state. Under the current Caravans Park Act, facilities operated by public sector bodies are exempt
This exemption applies only to a public sector body as defined in the Public Sector Management Act 1994, and not to local governments.
This means that, if a local government operates a facility, it must ensure compliance with the prescribed standards, but a state government agency is not under this same obligation.
Caravan parks and camping grounds operated by DPaW are already managed under the Conservation and Land Management Act 1996 (CALM Act)
and associated regulations. In accordance with the CALM Act, DPaW has introduced a management regime which includes issuing lessees a lease for
approximately 40 years based on a comprehensive management plan submitted by the lessee. The development and operation of camping grounds on
CALM land are governed by the Conservation Commission of Western Australia
The exemption of public sector bodies from the provisions of the Caravan Parks Act has resulted in a perception that different standards apply to facilities on
Crown land compared to private and local government facilities, notwithstanding the significant regulation of DPaW sites under the CALM Act.
COMMENT -Please read the document and put in a submission, the reason why this has been allowed to develop to the draconian suggestions it has already is because good people are not aware of what is happening - only 4 submissions were put in originally for the changes so the people in Government think that they have general support. THEY DONT!
Put in a submission, complain about the excessive Local Government bureauracy, red tape and control or LOSE YOUR RIGHTS as have been done in other States in Australia."
Here is a link to the papers.
You can download them here if you wish:
The Paper Relating to the Changes to the Camping and Caravanning Rules
CPCG Feedback Form - Second Consultation.pdf
The Submission form Relating to the Changes to the Camping and Caravanning Rules
LG055 Holiday Parks and Camping Grounds Paper.pdf