Red dash lights


Forum Member
Aug 2, 2015
Bundaberg, Qld. Australia
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Now for Subaru Japan to make dash lights that aren't red so I can actually drive my brand new Saburu XV at night. Something which I currently can not do as I can't read the instruments at all. Just a big red blur. Good one Subaru you design morons.
Sounds as if someone might need new glasses ... :poke: :iconwink:.
My Triton has red dash lighting and it's fine. How come they are blurry for you?
Red is best for maintaining night vision.
it's not hard to change to LEDs in whatever colour you like
They are not SMD's
Don't know why the red is such a problem but all of the red stuff appears blurry and illegible including the switches on the steering. The multicolour display and the white stereo are perfectly fine.
Gidday GJ

I wasn't kidding upthread when I mentioned glasses.

There is a good reason why optometrists test us with red and green targets ... :poke: :iconwink:

Might pay to have your eyes tested, mate.
Gregjet , couldn't post the direct link because it was part of a lengthy post on the XV forum, but does your model have a switch like this?

"I don't have nav so my experience isn't going to be super helpful..
With the dash dimmer just to the right of the steering wheel next to the headlight leveler.
When on 0 everything is on full brightness, 1-5 mfd dims to a preset level and doesn't change with the dash lights. the dash lights, radio and steering controls all dim slowly from 1-5 (due to the red I mostly like it all the way down) needles never dim
Now you can set the brightness of the mfd separately. Moving or stopped.. Hold the set button then for memory push set on the display menu, then brightness, then you should be able to set it. (No idea if it has a setting for night and day) but it does go very dim.. Maybe that will help enough that it is more bearable. Good luck"

Best regards,
Are you long sighted at all?
RB has a point, whatever, a visit to the eye guy might be a good idea. Could be a symptom of something serious.
You only get one set of eyes in life.
Ratbag, I definitely don't have Daltonism ( red/green colour blindness).
I am wondering if it is an artifact of my glasses though. The red is almost certainly a LED pure wavelength and the interaction between the light paths within my glasses lens may be setting up a diffraction pattern. I might try my other glasses sets and see if it persists. I have trouble with candles on restaurant tables as well.
I don't have any trouble with the MFD, only the speedo, tacho and the red lights on the steering wheel. Completely blurry to the point of complete illegibility.
Ratbag, I definitely don't have Daltonism ( red/green colour blindness).

Neither do I. However, I do have astimatism, and my optometrist spends a lot of time getting my script right for those red and green targets. Without glasses I have 20/20 vision at most distances. With glasses, this improves to around 20/12. Not so long ago, it was better than 20/10 ... :(.

The optometrist we use takes about 20 minutes to check my wife's eyes, and always allows over an hour to check mine. Usually takes 75-90 minutes!

I have 6 pairs of glasses, 4 of which are used for driving. Pink tinted bifocals for night driving.

I am wondering if it is an artifact of my glasses though. The red is almost certainly a LED pure wavelength and the interaction between the light paths within my glasses lens may be setting up a diffraction pattern. I might try my other glasses sets and see if it persists. I have trouble with candles on restaurant tables as well.
I don't have any trouble with the MFD, only the speedo, tacho and the red lights on the steering wheel. Completely blurry to the point of complete illegibility.

Tell your optometrist about this. He or she will then investigate more fully.

Hope you get it sorted out.
Greg, I've struggled with UV/ anti-reflective coatings on my glasses in the past and not being able to see certain things.
Not to mention the coatings are very soft and scratch easily.
This last pair I declined all the coatings and apart from certain instances where I see the reflections of my own eyes on the inside of my lenses, I'm much happier without the coatings.

Also worth noting that the LED's are probably pulsed to save power as opposed to being 100% on.
Some people are more sensitive to this than others
Gidday Rob

The Hoya lenses that my optometrist prefers now come with ultra hard coatings (cost extra, of course ... ).

On my readers (bifocals) I am yet to see a mark after considerably more than a year. These are the pair that almost never see the inside of a case, unless there is nowhere else convenient to put them! All my others (generally ... ) live in their cases when not on my face. All my glasses have double sided coatings as I find the back reflections very irritating.

I can find out what the name of the coating treatment is, if you like. I can certainly vouch for it. Far, far more robust than any previous coatings I have had.
Yeah I've given up on caring about the cost anymore.
usually pushing $1k per pair anyway given the ultra thin lenses I require to get my script into anything but Roy Orbison frames.
I have trouble with candles on restaurant table candles too but usually only after too much vino...
Sorry off topic.
However my eyes are very bad being very shortsighted and with astigmatism. I use only one pair of specs though which are not cheap but are graduated and photochromatic. They do work well.
Look after your eyes, you only get one pair in life.
I am long sighted. The lenses in the glasses I almost always go out in are Hoya hard coated and have that awesome new darkening phototint ( not the old one that goes yellow too mid brown. These go too look almost like full sunglasses when the sun activates them ). Don't go out at night often so do get a chance to experiment with the glasses and usually forget to take more than the usual pair. Still wish they hadn't made the lights all red. I find it a very unpleasant colour for instruments. If it was an attack stealth vehicle maybe there would be an excuse, but for a car that is supposed to be sold to the general public, white would have made more sense. I definitely would NOT have bought the car if I had known that they lied about the power ( this car does NOT have anything like 110KW) and had red dash lights. If I was an Aussie marsupial I wouldn't even be able to see them much at all...
Greg, what irritates me with our SG is that the dash lights dim when I have the headlights on during the daytime. With my 85% sunglasses on, I can no longer see the odometer and the like!

With our SH, the blue light in the overhead console is within my field of view. If I drove SWMBO's car regularly at night, this would get the chop pretty quickly.
You can brighten the dash lights with headlights on by pressing the lower half of the climate control button and holding for a few seconds.
Or at least on my XS model you can.
It is still a pain in the bum as it is not permanent and needs doing every time.