My 2 year old.

Liberty Valance

Forum Member
Nov 25, 2013
Hervey Bay
Car Year
Car Model
2 x XT Foresters
Just sanded the drivers side of my Forester from bumper to bumper with 80 grit sand paper.

I love him so much.
Is there sarcasm in this, or a pic to go with that post?

I'm wondering if he was meant to be sanding your car bumper to bumper or if he used his own initiative to give dad a hand?


Yeah, that probably wasn't clear.

The car has beautiful paint and didn't require sanding. He had recently seen me prepping my new rear bar and must have decided the car needed some attention too. He is daddy's little helper after all.

I do love him, that's all you can do in time like this.
When I was 2 or 3 I helped my dad by putting water in his car. I'd seen him put water in the car but forgot which end it went in, so I put it in the hole at the back.

I clearly remember him wearing a tuxedo and looking cross.
Oh bugger, LV

Just sanded the drivers side of my Forester from bumper to bumper with 80 grit sand paper.

I love him so much.

Yeah, that probably wasn't clear.

The car has beautiful paint and didn't require sanding. He had recently seen me prepping my new rear bar and must have decided the car needed some attention too. He is daddy's little helper after all.

I do love him, that's all you can do in time like this.

Quite right. We all have to learn to be humans. It takes a long time! And we all make the occasional mistake along the way.

When I was 2 or 3 I helped my dad by putting water in his car. I'd seen him put water in the car but forgot which end it went in, so I put it in the hole at the back.

I clearly remember him wearing a tuxedo and looking cross.

By all accounts, I was a pretty nice child ...
Apart from chopping my Mother's prize Philodendron off at the roots - I thought it was a strangler fig ...

Only really turned into a ratbag when I grew up :iconwink: :rotfl:.