The manual of my 2013 avoids the word recovery but does speak of getting unstuck from snow, mud, or sand by using the tow hook. It is not just for towing. That said, I assume that the eye of the tow hook is the weakest link. I hope that it will break before any damage to bumper, let alone car occurs. Of course, I do not really know.
Second, it is not easy to get stuck in a Subie with the traction control/VDC OFF, if one is driving carefully and has checked the terrain ahead when in doubt. If "playing," sure, one can get stuck. I'd have to think that a light recovery in a VDC Subaru with proper tires would be a very rare occurrence. Personally, I would expect to either get out on my own or need an actual recovery.
I carry a shovel and TRED 1100 which are like Maxtraxx but FIT BEHIND the rear wheel wells! The 1100 is the right size. It is much cheaper as well, I got mine on sale for 105 on ebay, it is usually 180-210.
If the above happens to be insufficient, I have now an air (exhaust) jack, but this awkward device is tricky. If you have skid plates, it can be used under the proper front jacking point, with the rest of the bag spilling over the front and mid plates. This worked well for me during tests at home. However, lifting in the rear with this would be a nightmare. I tried by the spare wheel well, which caved in (pushed it out with bare hands). Lifting by the rear diff would be a very difficult operation due to the proximity of the exhaust and other parts.
Finally, I purchased a 2 3/8x30 ARB recovery strap rated at 17,600 lb. While this is likely too much for a Subie, the lowest rated quality strap I found, here in the US, is the WARN at 14,400. I just liked the ARB better. If the WARN were cheaper, would have taken that.
Back to my early point: because I expect the eye of the tow hook to be the weakest link, I do NOT want metal shackles. I bought Bubba rope shackles, which cost 86 (pair) instead of 25 (pair) BUT no metal shackle would be flying around if the tow hook's eye brakes.
Again, this is all from reading this forum and many others. I have not been stuck yet in the sense of being unable to get out on my own power without even using shovel. But, I travel solo with my kids and I take no chances: I walk through stuff and take the easiest legal line, I do not "play."