'08 Forester up Sani Pass (ZA)

Interesting! Could tell he had too much pressure in the tyres by the "pinging" of rocks / stones.
He also obviously didn't know about locking the 4EAT in 1st/2nd for descents. From what I could see of the white SG, it also wasn't the Sportshift version.

Some simple but excellent advice though!
Thanks for posting this, some really nice shots. As for the Subie off-road, I only went quickly through this, without sound. What an awful ratio between words and driving...on a mildly descending, smooth surface road? LOL. And he went out to throw that stone away on a road that wide? LOL indeed. Or did I miss something? Either way, count on youtube experts to make driving a Subaru look difficult.
^ At least he did say that of the vehicles he mentioned, he preferred the AWD and capabilities of the Foresters, both on and off road, for safety and capability.

He should try some of the tracks at Bunyip SP sometime!

However I still agree with the points he stressed about clearance, having a low range gear set and having a rim size no larger than 16" (allowing higher profile tyres).

IMO, he should also have mentioned approach, departure and hang angles as part of his repeated warnings about the vehicle having decent clearance, but I suspect that was not really his target audience ... :poke: :iconwink:.
I am sure you are right, as I said I did not turn the sound on :)
MAS, tottally agree, way too much talking, not enough doing. Plus way too long. I don't usually watch anything longer than 5min!