Twin Cylinder Pumps


Forum Member
Sep 25, 2013
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester XT
I found that the compressor was next to useless, but if I connect one of my twin cylinder compressors across the jumper leads (it draws about 20+ amps ... ), it works fine :biggrin:.

It gets the tyre up to about 28psi before it gives up, more than enough to get me out of trouble. I do need to get a proper one but its long way down the list :/

but my housemate has a nice big twin piston one so i borrow that :)
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Gidday Doug

It helps if you put your (approximate) location in your user profile, mate ... :poke: :iconwink:.

Search the product review forum for Princess Trading.

They do a very good twin cylinder unit for around $100, shipped.

I will have a look for it, but on my tablet ATM, and not quite as easy to open another window, search and then copy the URL in here as it is with my laptop or desktop(s).

I have a single cylinder one (fixed and given away to a friend) and two twin cylinder ones. The first of these was badly defective as well, so they sent me another one. I pulled the first 2x apart and repaired it too!

These compressors are sold everywhere, and I have seen price tags of around $300+ on them! Just all have different labels, is all.

Princess Trading are nice people to deal with, once they realise that they are bound by the Goods Act, just like everyone else ... :poke: :biggrin: :raspberry:.