Condamine River QLD


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2014
Gold Coast, Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester XT Premium
Sports Automatic
Has anyone been through this track yet?

There's 14 river crossings on this track, and some mates are planning on going this weekend.
Getting mixed reviews for Foresters, some get stuck, others are fine.

Just worried about the SH XT Forester and river crossings. How deep can I safely go?

How should I prepare?
Well, no deeper than your air intake for sure; and if it's one that sits at the front of the bonnet / hood then use a blind on the front for any deep crossing.
Thanks for the tip Kevin. So for an XT SH Forester, would the air intake be the bonnet scoop?

Or would it be where I have removed the resonator milk bottle down lower?
The bonnet scoop is for the intercooler; your air intake would be on top of or behind the grille "somewhere"
Gidday BM

That Condamine track looks very nice territory. Might just talk my brother into a day trip there when (IF ... ) I ever eventually get to Brissy this year.

As for water, I personally prefer to keep it below door level. Agree with walking it first, but even then, only if it's not flowing faster than a slow walking pace. It takes surprisingly little flow speed/depth to knock you off your feet. Too many people drown that way, either on foot or in their vehicle. It pays to be careful.
^ Each to their own, Kevin ... :iconwink:.

I'm not given to taking many risks these days.
Thanks for the tips guys!

So far I've learnt:
* Walk the crossing first, check for depth and ground stability, also big donkey rocks you might hit
* For me, a beginner at this. I'm not going to cross anything higher than the bottom of my front grill
* Inox or WD40 on the electrical stuff that is in the water/splash zone
* Don't stop moving at a steady pace
* Don't be a dickhead and speed in
* If the water is running faster than walking speed then I will turn back
Last time i went through the Conadmine it was good the creek crossings are all rock based as long as you do what you said on your last post you will be ok
Slower the better this is what happens when you go too quick [ame=""]flooded engine - YouTube[/ame]
There is some videos on my youtube channel crossing The Condamine

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Hey Jan, I reckon that you might have made a slight error there, mate.

Second URL is identical to the first ... :iconwink: :poke:.
Didn't end up going, the storms ruled the weekend. Maybe another time but I'm still so very keen!