Starter Motor Help


Product Developer
Oct 27, 2011
SE Melbourne
Since my poor little Foz had a swim I started having starter motor problems. It would just click but not turn over when I turned the key. After turning the key a few times it would turn over as normal.

I've taken the starter motor off & taken the solenoid off that but have no idea what to do next...
Gidday NL

For one thing, if this has come on gradually, it sounds as if the problem could be earth connections gradually rusting.

It would certainly be worth checking all the battery to body, engine block to body earths and cleaning them up if necessary. It's a good thing to do on a car the age of yours anyway. It may not even be part of the problem, but it sure as heck won't hurt anything to do it, either.
Battery terminals and where the leads bolts onto the starter motor are fine but the little lead that comes out of the wiring harness is filthy so I'll clean that. Do I need to put that electrical grease on it?
^ I have always used Vaseline (trans: petroleum jelly; for our American friends ... ) for battery terminals and the like. Stops sulphating as well as rust pretty much forever, AFAICT.

After dressing all the surfaces with something like 100-200 grit wet & dry paper, a fairly thin coating rubbed into both sides of the terminals/earthing points seems to work miracles, and doesn't cost a poultice. Like a pound tin of grease, a small jar of Vaseline seems to last indefinitely! I am still using a tiny one I purchased about 30 years ago ... I will kark it before I use it all up ... :poke:.

With battery terminals, I use the edge of a file to scrape upwards vertically on the battery terminal posts all the way around to expose bright lead. Don't take too much off - just enough so that the bright metal is exposed. This method ensures that the post is slightly uneven so that the clamp bites hard with a good physical and electrical connection.

Use a knife blade on the inside of the clamp terminals. Then smear both sides with Vaseline before reconnecting. Again, doesn't have to be much, just a thin coating.

I forgot to mention: you should also check where the battery is earthed to the body, and undo and check the various earth points of the engine block to the body. Don't know how many of these there are on the SF, but on both my old Impreza and the SG there are a number of them.
x2 on the Vaseline.
and on a different note, a half descent way to protect electrics is with motorcycle chain WAX sprayed on. worked amazingly well on my jeep and that had its fare share of dunkings lol
Its already back in. If I have to pull it out again I might try some oil there but IMO Vaso would just melt with the engine heat
^ Was it the dirty terminal?

Vaseline should not be necessary on connections to the block (IME, these don't tend to corrode, but can ... As you have mentioned, a smear of engine oil would be more appropriate at these points), but these should be part of the initial check if the starter motor misbehaves in a similar manner to the way yours did.
Yep dirty terminal from the wiring loom! Thoroughly cleaned both parts and it works fine now. Unfortunately broke the plastic cover on it & had to tape it back together.
Good to hear. Flaming nuisance with breaking the cover. Tape's probably better anyhow.