EJ253 no power @ idle


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2011
Sunny Balga WA
My forester (MY08 SG9) doesn't like to crawl along at idle. Its very easy to stall while taking off or negotiating low speed obstacles. After an ECU reset or code clear it is almost impossible to drive and wont hold idle at all, stalling as soon as the clutch is pushed in. After about 100km its gets better but is never as good as I would expect. After driving a few other SGs I'm certain there is something wrong with mine. This has always been a problem ever since I bought it.

There are no fault codes present.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

I honestly don't have faith in a Subaru dealership to diagnose the problem.
try cleaning the MAF sensor and make sure it fits snug.
How long since the plugs were done ST?

Also could be a dodgy MAP sensor, but I'm a bloody long way from being an expert in this ... :rotfl:.

For comparison, mine will pull quite happily from around 800-900 rpm, regardless of the gear it's in (i.e. when it's doing those revs in that gear - I'm not talking about changing gears so much, just when the car is in the particular gear).

It used to have an almost apologetic 'cough' at these revs, particularly when going around right hand corners (IIRC ... ). After Ross did the 125K service, and it got new platinum plugs then, this has all but vanished. It will very, very occasionally, give the slightest of hiccups in these circumstances, but it almost never happens now.

Hope you find the cause/s, mate. That's downright irritating :puke:.
Stilson ive got a ultragauge we can calibrate to your motor. It may pick up a engine code it may not.