Clunk feeling


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2014
Gold Coast, Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester XT Premium
Sports Automatic
I've started to notice a 'clunking' feeling when my car gears up from 2nd to 3rd.

Should this be something I need to get checked, or is it normal? I don't recall it happening when I bought the car a few weeks ago from the dealer...
Gidday BM

:welcome: to the ORS forum, mate.

Your car (probably) has much the same tranny as my SWMBO's 4EAT Sportshift (MY10 - 2009, N/A). It doesn't ever 'clunk' when changing gears.

Get it back to the dealer, pronto!
Both auto outbacks I have are a little jolty when shifting. However they bith have 250000kms + so I'm not surprised. Perhaps new tranny fluid is needed?

Seeing as its been so soon since purchase id go back to the dealer.
Okay, thanks guys. It's always so frustrating going to the dealer as they keep trying to brush things off as being "normal". My battery for example, would go flat after having the stereo and lights on for 5mins. He tried telling me it was normal for a car to die after 5mins... Doubt it. 10 mins of pressing conversation later and a failed battery test, I eventually had a new battery.
Gidday BM

Don't let the stealership snow you, mate!

I had to re-park SWMBO's SH Sportshift just a few minutes ago. Recalling your post, I took the opportunity to take it for a quick thrash around the block in full auto, sports and manual modes. Not the slightest signs of anything that could possibly be called a 'clunk'.

Smooth as silk in all modes, with none of the slight slip that our Camry auto box had.

Changed up and down with no hesitation, delay, slip, jolt, jump or other unusual noises or feeling/s.

IIWY, I would take it back to the dealer and require them to have it checked by an independent auto transmission expert. Or do that yourself first, and get a written report on it. You will almost certainly have to pay to have this done, but better to pay that small amount now rather than a highly expensive auto box rebuild after the warranty has expired ...

In fact, I would use the dealer's previous actions regarding your battery problem to demand that they pay for the independent report if things turn nasty ...

All the best with it, mate. These things are always a potential problem with s/h cars, which is why the statutory warranty provisions were introduced in most States around 25-30 years ago.
Thanks heaps Ratbag, good to know how another SH responds. I'll call them on Monday and get it booked in. Gotta get the front bushes replaced too, peanuts in cost to them as they already have a workshop.

I'll let ya's know how I went. :)
So just got back from the dealer today, they said the fluid was too high which could have been causing the feeling. The drive home felt really smooth so I think it may have just been that but I'll keep a feel for it for a long time yet just in-case. :D
Previous post was from my Batphone ...

The result sounds like these trannies should behave, BM.

I assume that they charged you for taking the extra oil out that they put in there in the first place ... But glad that they have apparently fixed it for you.

The Owner's Manuals are full of "Do Not Over-fill the ... " warnings for every car I have ever owned. It is surprising how many workshops take no notice of this, and think they are 'doing the right thing' by putting a little extra in everything. They aren't ...