Head Gasket without pulling engine - ej251 SOHC


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys,
So the question I got ia haa anyone changed a head gasket in a subaru without pulling the engine?
I recebtly bought 2 gen 3 Outback's 2.5 and auto. One red and one green. The grwen is 2001 model and the red a year older. The green is in good condition and the red immaculate throughout! The grewn had an oil leak and had vic rego. Fixed that and got ir licenced over hear, it now drives like new. The red is licenced, runs but goes through 3l of water in 10km of driving. Pics to come....
Having done a fair few head gasket jobs on a few different cars, half being Subaru's I feel comfortable with attempting this job.

I have heard the torque converter can be a pita to get off the engine and at the present time don't have much room to have an engine sitting aroun for a week without being in the rain.
Being the SOHC engine it should bw fairly straight forward with just a t r olley jack.

What are peoples thoughts on doing them with the engine in?
I will of course send the heads off for skimming and pressure testing as its a bad hg. However its lucky enough that its only blown between the cylinder and coolant gallery. Not the oil and coolant so they haven't mixed. :D
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Never done a HG on Subaru but cant see why it the engine has to come out to do it.

Just remember to install new headbolts or use ARP headstuds and nuts.
I know I'll be tight for room but I still think it shall be quicker this way than pulling the engine.
The hardest thing will be putting the heads bavk on with the new gasket.
Gidday Taza

Apart from the obvious - i.e. that maybe the heads won't lift off/ out past obstructions - the only other problem I can see is checking the block faces for flatness with a straight edge.

Of course, if the block faces aren't flat, the engine will have to come out anyway.

Might it just be simpler to pull the engine out to start with?
Just a thought, FWIW.
Ive never seen a subaru block have issues. I know it's possible being aluminum but generally unlikely.
The vehicle hasn't been driven and has been shut ofd when the temp reaches 4/5 and is below the red.

I'll attemot this anyway. I did watch a youtube video of it being done with the engine in. Since it was SOHC there was enough room. DOHC there isn't as the cams have to be removed to get too the head bolts.

The wagon while idling...

When I start pulling the top end I'll update this thread for future reference.
Maybe it has a steam engine! :lol:
Hey Taza, I reckon you own enough Subarus now to start your own dealership.:lol:

What are the plans for the Outback's
Flip em for some cash... Gotta use money to make money. These apprentice wages are rubbish!

I have to say that the auto, 4eat with the 2.5 donk is not too bad. Very smooth, a little responsive in power mode. Had the green one for 3 weeks now. Had the red one 2days. Put almost a thousand km on, between the two of them.
They come up fairly frequently for a good price with blown hg or a knock. Might have to get myself a few apare engines.
The way I look at it is I'm fixing broken vehicles, tidying them up and selling them to people who are looking for a solid, reliable car.

Ive currenly got 5 subies, 4 of which are licenced to me. I'll sell two then prob buy another.