97 Legacy Outback engine squeal


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2014
Car Year
Car Model
Legacy Outback
First post, been crawling this forum for a while, and I really appreciate your guy's in depth and to the point help. So here's my problem...

Being a rather lazy individual :shrug:, I have ignored this for a year since I bought it, I figured if it doesn't get worse it can't be a problem.

When accelerating above 3000-3250 my engine has this squeal or whine, it almost sounds like a crap BOV or something similar, but my outback it N/A, and it only happens when I'm moving, can't really hear it in park as far as I know. So I figure I could ask you guys cause I haven't found anything about it anywhere. Is it normal? Is it something trying to tear itself apart? It hasn't changed in a year, so it can't be too big of a problem, I'm just curious more than anything.

97 Subaru Legacy Outback engine squeal:


The engine noise at the beginning is a delivery truck btw.

Any ideas?
Gidday DD

A warm :welcome: to the ORS forum, mate.

I can't hear the noise, but have you checked the condition of your alternator/PS belts? If either is worn and/or glazed, it will make squealing noises, specially as the revs increase. If it's the PS belt, this will increase as you turn corners (like old Falcons did as a matter of course ... :iconwink:).
Thank you ratbag

It is pretty hard to hear in the video I apologize for that.

It doesn't change in corners, trust me I drive it like I'm running from the cops.

The belts are new, cause I thought the same thing. But like I said, it only seems to do it while I'm moving, so that makes me think it's a driveline thing.

I may have a video at home where you can clearly hear it while doing a hill climb. I'll post it if I can find it.

Edit: re-read ratbag's post and realized I missed what he said first time round.
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