Stiff steering, especially when cold


Forum Member
Dec 3, 2012
Perth Western Australia
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Hi all. The steering on my forester has become rather stiff all of a sudden, especially when cold. Does not return to centre most of the time on its own making it a bit of a pain to drive and I am worried that its about to fail completely. It is not leaking power steering fluid at all and there is plenty of clean fluid in the system. When it is stiff to turn you can hear the engine working the pump so I am thinking it is the rack that is failing. Nothing has happened to it to cause this that I am aware of unless it is a very delayed reaction to when I seriously bent a tie rod 6 months ago.

I would appreciate your opinions on what it could be causing this but if no one has any other ideas I will buy a new rack.

Next question, does anyone know if a steering rack from an SG forester will fit an SF?

Similar on my MY03 and had been for, probably, past 6 or so years.
It is stiff only upon initial cold morning start up and goes in a couple of seconds.
Seems to have started when the rack was leaking a minor amount and, on the advice of my mechanic at the time, I added some Lucas Stop Leak steering box fluid. Stopped the leak alright for a couple of years but the stiffness appeared and stayed.
Rack was replaced/repaired about 4 years ago but stiffness on cold mornings remains. No strange noises though.
Doesn`t seem to be a major problem but time will, no doubt, tell.
Hope yours isn`t a problem either.
Gidday DM

Have you checked the tension on the power steering pump drive belt, and its condition?

If it is hard or polished, it would tend to slip more when cold, then become more normal as it warms up and its coefficient of friction becomes more normal.

Just a thought.

After my two drive belts were replaced, my steering changed for the better in a subtle way. It is far more positive as regards centering and behaves more the way the steering did on Roo1. Both my old drive belts are still semi-serviceable. The alternator belt is split into two pieces longitudinally though, and the power steering belt is fairly hard and glazed. I have kept them as spares, as both still work.

Now, if I can just find where I carefully put them for safekeeping ... :poke: :lol:.
Gidday DM

Have you checked the tension on the power steering pump drive belt, and its condition?

If it is hard or polished, it would tend to slip more when cold, then become more normal as it warms up and its coefficient of friction becomes more normal.

Thanks RB. No the belts are tight and in good condition. It does take a while to get better as it warms up and never quite gets back to normal. Its also uneven in its stiffness, it will be very stiff for a quarter of a turn then the next quarter will be easy before it gets hard again.
The return to centre part is the most concerning as I often used to let the wheel slip through my hands after turning full lock but now it starts to return to centre by itself until it gets to a sticky spot then stops. Takes me by surprise all the time...
I would have thought that the return to centre problem would indicate a rack problem rather than a pump problem but I could be completely wrong about this.
G'day again DM

Its also uneven in its stiffness, it will be very stiff for a quarter of a turn then the next quarter will be easy before it gets hard again.
The return to centre part is the most concerning as I often used to let the wheel slip through my hands after turning full lock but now it starts to return to centre by itself until it gets to a sticky spot then stops. Takes me by surprise all the time...
I would have thought that the return to centre problem would indicate a rack problem rather than a pump problem but I could be completely wrong about this.

To me, that has all the hallmarks of a bent component somewhere ... :(.

Could be the rack supports or housing, the pinion gear and/or bearings/bushes, steering column - whatever. I've never had one apart, so that's about the full extent of my knowledge!
I have a similar problem in my L series at the moment Dedman, so I'll just follow along on this thread...
I did recently tear a boot on a dusty road and haven't gotten to fixing it yet...could dust get in and cause this sort of symptom?
Actually, thanks Ratbag, you just reminded me, check the uni joints in the steering shaft/column, if the forries have them?
i found mine caked full of dust and grease, cleaning and relubing relieved the problem somewhat for a while...might check them again now
Gidday Tom

I have a similar problem in my L series at the moment Dedman, so I'll just follow along on this thread...
I did recently tear a boot on a dusty road and haven't gotten to fixing it yet...could dust get in and cause this sort of symptom?

Can a wild duck swim?
Is {insert the name of the politician of one's choice here ... } a liar?

Actually, thanks Ratbag, you just reminded me, check the uni joints in the steering shaft/column, if the forries have them?

Almost all modern cars have these. Usually at the bottom of the column, just inside the cabin from the firewall. But also found in the engine compartment in some cars.
[EDIT] In my Forester, it is in the engine bay. IIRC, in the Impreza it was at the bottom of the steering column inside the car, but I could well be mis-remembering this! [end edit]

They are primarily there to prevent the steering column going through one's chest in a front end prang. The Ford Capri in the 1970s had the steering rack immediately behind the front bumper, and the steering column was pointed directly at one's heart ... :(.

i found mine caked full of dust and grease, cleaning and relubing relieved the problem somewhat for a while...might check them again now

Just goes to show that an almost totally useless post can have some benefit, after all ... :iconwink: :poke: :lol:.
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Definitely check the steering uni's, I've had similar symptoms before after my front wheel hit a rock. They should all move smoothly through their full range of motion. Plus it's a piece of piss to take it out and check.
Its also uneven in its stiffness, it will be very stiff for a quarter of a turn then the next quarter will be easy before it gets hard again.

Definitely check the steering uni's, I've had similar symptoms before after my front wheel hit a rock. They should all move smoothly through their full range of motion. Plus it's a piece of piss to take it out and check.

That 1/4 turn thing def sounds like the steering linkage uni joints. Very easy to remove (undo both bolts then slide it up to remove the lower joint first). Get one from a wrecker, only $14 from Jollies. Just make sure the unis move freely.

Also, be VERY careful not to drop it or knock the uni's, they are surprisingly fragile. I destroyed 2 good ones learning how to do my steering extension :(
Thanks for all the advice guys.

Definitely check the steering uni's, I've had similar symptoms before after my front wheel hit a rock. They should all move smoothly through their full range of motion. Plus it's a piece of piss to take it out and check.

Pulled it out after I got home from work this evening and yep that was the problem. One plane of the bottom joint was completely ceased up, couldn't move it by hand at all. I managed to free it up and after putting it back in the steering is nice and smooth again. I am amazed the steering was working as well as it was. I will get a new joint sometime soon.

Very easy to remove (undo both bolts then slide it up to remove the lower joint first). Get one from a wrecker, only $14 from Jollies. Just make sure the unis move freely.

I had to drop the rack a little to get it out as there seemed to be a stop on each end so I could not slide it further on to the shaft to get the other end off. Maybe this is a difference between the 97 and 99 foz, or maybe mine just had crap in it stopping it from sliding.

I also discovered that one of my front drive shaft gearbox seals has decided to **** itself suddenly and is leaking oil quite badly =( Time to get a move on with my gearbox build!