Happy B'day NachaLuva.

mr turbo

Emeritus Forum Staff and Founders' Friend
Jul 11, 2008
Sydney, AUSTRALIA & ORS.com
Car Year
Car Model
Happy B'day NachaLuva & many happy returns for the day :bananatoast:

Hope you're having a great one :bananapartyhat:

Mr Turbo
Gidday NL

Hope you are having a good birthday, mate ... :biggrin:.
Happy birthday
Thanks guys :biggrin:

Hope you're having a great one :bananapartyhat:

Yes, it was interesting lol. We went up to Craig's Hut (from Man From Snowy River), then stayed at Bluff Hut (cold lol). Then the next day we went along Mitchell's Tr to Jamieson, the idea being to then head to Mt.Terrible...we never made it lol. One of the cars, a FJ Landcruiser shorty rolled. No-one hurt, just a few scratches from broken glass. Trip report with photos later :iconwink:
Great to hear you had a good one :raz:

One of the cars, a FJ Landcruiser shorty rolled. No-one hurt, just a few scratches from broken glass. Trip report with photos later :iconwink:
Glad that no one was injured.

Mr Turbo
Thanks guys :biggrin:

Yes, it was interesting lol. We went up to Craig's Hut (from Man From Snowy River), then stayed at Bluff Hut (cold lol). Then the next day we went along Mitchell's Tr to Jamieson, the idea being to then head to Mt.Terrible...we never made it lol. One of the cars, a FJ Landcruiser shorty rolled. No-one hurt, just a few scratches from broken glass. Trip report with photos later :iconwink:

That story will help you not to forget your birthday :iconwink: