Spring Break Soft Road Meet 2014 in Bridgeport, Texas


Forum Member
Aug 4, 2013
North Texas
Car Year
Car Model
SH9 Forester XT
Here are my first round of pics from this weekend:











Some videos:

[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIvvgZAPST4]Subaru Forester extreme off-roading - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy0lpKsRGC4]Subaru Forester hitting the mud pits - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXGjIK7Dx6c"]Spring Break Soft Road Meet 2014 at Northwest OHV Park Part.1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L9AfWiRrQE"]Spring Break Soft Road Meet 2014 at Northwest OHV Park Part.2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v75LiHppY_k&list"]Spring Break Soft Road Meet 2014 at Northwest OHV Park Part.3 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBaUCHiJxxs&list=UUxzBusrPCMEM2C4LyPsrO5w"]Spring Break Soft Road Meet 2014 Northwest OHV Park High Top hill climb Subaru Forester Off Road - YouTube[/ame]

I'll post some more throughout the week.
Wow, it looks like you guys all had a fantastic time.
Awesome pics too btw :raz: Brilliant :biggrin:

I'll love to pinch a couple of the group shots if thats possible to make into some banners. Thats only if you don't mind that is :cool:

Mr Turbo
Looks like a great day!!! Excellent photos :ebiggrin: I'll have to come back and watch videos when I have some time.:cool:
Thanks guys!
Mr.Turbo I'd be honored if you use my shots for a banner.
Awesome! Excellent pictures and video too..

Didn't think a foz would make it up that slope!
Howdy, y'all!

I am the Silver 2014 FXT that went to the meet here. Had a great time and wanted to join here to share some of my videos and photos.

SF.org forum names listed, those in Italics are non-forum members (I think).

Gathered at the entrance. L-R (Shansen, Machine1, William Wolfen, TUGG, Mike C., GeoJosh)

DSCN2344 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Top of the 3 hills. L-R (William Wolfen, Machine1, Mike C., GeoJosh, Dusty, TUGG)

DSCN2345 by jasplund91, on Flickr

L-R (Mike C., GeoJosh, Dusty)

DSCN2346 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Dusty going down the hill

DSCN2347 by jasplund91, on Flickr

DSCN2348 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Most of the group at the lunch spot

DSCN2358 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Subaru Group at the lunch spot L-R (Shansen, Machine1, GeoJosh, William Wolfen, TUGG, Dusty, Ryan, Mike C.)

DSCN2359 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Forester group shot L-R (TUGG, GeoJosh, Machine1, Shansen, William Wolfen)

DSCN2360 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Forester group shot L-R (TUGG, GeoJosh, Machine1, Shansen, William Wolfen)

DSCN2361 by jasplund91, on Flickr

On the trails (GeoJosh, Dusty, TUGG)

DSCN2363 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Dusty checking to see if his oil pan is still intact after hitting the mud pits.

DSCN2366 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Dusty's Forester

DSCN2368 by jasplund91, on Flickr

TUGG after hitting the mud pits

DSCN2372 by jasplund91, on Flickr


DSCN2375 by jasplund91, on Flickr
Pictures continued:

All 4 generations of Foresters were on the trails together. L-R (Dusty, TUGG, Machine1, GeoJosh)

DSCN2378 by jasplund91, on Flickr

DSCN2380 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Top of the 3 hills. L-R (William Wolfen, Machine1, Mike C., GeoJosh, Dusty, TUGG)

DSC_0851 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Top of the 3 hills. L-R (Mike C., GeoJosh, Dusty)

DSC_0852 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Top of the 3 hills. L-R (Mike C., GeoJosh, Dusty)

DSC_0855 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Subaru Group at the lunch spot L-R (Shansen, Machine1, GeoJosh, William Wolfen, TUGG, Dusty, Ryan)

DSC_0856 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Forester group shot L-R (TUGG, GeoJosh, Machine1, Shansen, William Wolfen)

DSC_0863 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Raptor Hill pictures: Dusty

DSC_0869 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Raptor Hill pictures: TUGG

DSC_0871 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Raptor Hill pictures: Ryan

DSC_0878 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Raptor Hill pictures: Machine1

DSC_0883 by jasplund91, on Flickr

Raptor Hill pictures: GeoJosh

DSC_0888 by jasplund91, on Flickr

All 4 generations of Foresters together (Dusty, TUGG, Machine1, GeoJosh)

DSC_0894 by jasplund91, on Flickr

All 4 generations of Foresters together (Dusty, TUGG, Machine1, GeoJosh)

DSC_0899 by jasplund91, on Flickr

All 4 generations of Foresters together (Dusty, TUGG, Machine1, GeoJosh)

DSC_0901 by jasplund91, on Flickr
Videos from my camera for the day.

Dusty going hard:
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIvvgZAPST4]Subaru offroading - Forester extreme offroading - YouTube[/ame]

Dusty hitting the mud:
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy0lpKsRGC4]Subaru offroading - Forester hitting the mud pits - YouTube[/ame]

Dusty hitting the mud again:
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG3kjFmTzt4]Subaru Offroading - Forester hitting the mud pits - YouTube[/ame]

TUGG coming back down the hill he went up (no video going up):
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdU7FUwnV8k]Subaru offroading - TUGG downhill - YouTube[/ame]

Machine1 going up the hill:
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy6KJ8-YG0c]Subaru Offroading - Machine1 Hill Climb - YouTube[/ame]

Machine1 coming back down the hill:
[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn-CJJa0O-k]Subaru Offroading - Machine1 Downhill - YouTube[/ame]

Some videos of Ryan hitting the mud in his Tacoma here:
1. Toyota Tacoma hitting the mud pits - YouTube
2. Toyota Tacoma hitting the mud pits - YouTube
3. Toyota Tacoma hitting the mud pits - YouTube
4. Toyota Tacoma hitting the mud pits - YouTube
5. Toyota Tacoma hitting the mud pits - YouTube
The following pics are from our friend Shansen on Subaruforester.org:

DSC_0007 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0008 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0011 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0012 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0013 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0022 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0026 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0033 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0036 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0046 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0048 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0051 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0064 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr

DSC_0072 by Puzzles Photography, on Flickr
Some really good pics up there!

And great videos, too!

You may want to check out what Superu found, it shows in detail one of the two chief obstacles of the White Rim Road, which Superu and I hope to drive in a couple of months:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CVXcCD74AM"]Hardscrabble Hill in a Subaru - YouTube[/ame]
It was an awesome event!

Wow, on White Rim Road one little slip and you go down the mountain, that's pretty scary.
Mr.Turbo I'd be honored if you use my shots for a banner.
Fantastic, I'll see what I can come up with :iconwink:

I also see that some more great pics have been added to the trip report :raz:

I might have to pinch a couple of those too, if thats ok with you GeoJosh :)

I haven't had a chance to watch the vids yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing them when I get some time :)

Mr Turbo
Fantastic, I'll see what I can come up with :iconwink:

I also see that some more great pics have been added to the trip report :raz:

I might have to pinch a couple of those too, if thats ok with you GeoJosh :)

I haven't had a chance to watch the vids yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing them when I get some time :)

Mr Turbo

As soon as I get all of the sections done I will post them all together. It's a 7 part series.