Close shave by gum!


Forum Member
Jan 23, 2013
near Healesville Victoria Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester SG
1.447 low range 4.44 diffs
Had a close shave tonight. Drove into my property and reverse parked in front of my house and down came the gum tree.
A visual reminder as to why you don't camp under one. Luckily I had just had my spare chain for my chain saw sharpened :rotfl:
havachat I think you need to take out a lottery ticket. You got the flucky. "Flucky" in Australian means got off f@&*() lucky.

Best regards,
That was very Flucky it didn't hit the house, car, or anybody.

3) i did try the bigger ones on the brackets after you mentioned this, they wobble worse than....(insert extremely wobbly thing here)
Luckily I had just had my spare chain for my chain saw sharpened :rotfl:
At least you'll have some firewood for your next camping trip :p

Heard a noise and there it was ! Gave me a real fright.
I bet it did :eek:

As others have said & I'll agree, you were Flucky indeed.

Mr Turbo
Well atleast you've got some timbre for winter
No white ants the stump seems quite sound. Spent this morning chain sawing it up for fire wood. Thursday night I cut the middle out so I could get the cars out.
No white ants the stump seems quite sound. Spent this morning chain sawing it up for fire wood. Thursday night I cut the middle out so I could get the cars out.

I have seen gum trees snap off along the trunk and branches snap off, but never seen one come down from the stump area.
Glad that none of you were hurt, HC.

Also good there was no property damage.

We have a 100+ foot eucalypt in our front yard. Had the tree surgeon (arborist) in a year or two ago to clear out the horizontals and generally see to the health of it. He said that what happens is that the trees get too "fluffy", and the wind can't blow through them. What it does instead is to exert massive torque on the trunk, twisting it out of the ground.

Clearing out the long horizontals and generally opening the tree out allows the wind to blow through the tree without much resistance. He reckoned that he couldn't guarantee that no branches would ever come down, but his work greatly minimised the risk of that, and of the tree coming down on our house!
Definitely a close shave, the whole tree coming down is relatively common from what I have seen up the yarra valley and surrounds, the local bush reserve.

I have heard and seen quite a few over the years but never come as close as Nachaluva, although I did get quite a fright when standing at the lookout on Circuit road enroute to clear hills track one day when the stones started pinging out from under a large eucalyptus on the high side of the track, I was happy to get in the foz and keep going, tree was across the track (and cut up) when I came out the next day.