Black Cocky


Forum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Tathra, Far South Coast, NSW
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I've never seen one at a bird bath before. It was in the backyard yesterday.
I only had time for one pic before it flew off.
What a beauty! I remember seeing a mob of five once a very long time ago, they were black with red. It's wonderful to see, thanks for sharing :-)
Awesome! I've occasionally seen yellow-tailed black Cockatoos, I've never seen a red-tailed except in zoos. Both genders will have colour on the tail but the male has more, so I'm guessing this is a fella.

Nice one :biggrin:
There is quite a few of these around here. Generally they fly past the house in the morning and afternoon squawking away..probably around 10 of them. This guy was all by himself and just having a drink.
When I was doing a lot of running on the Mid North Coast at South West Rocks I used the headland trails and there were many red tailed ones hanging around there.
There is a lot of bush around of the good things about a lot of the South Coast.
For about 2 days every few months a large flock of about 20-25 of white tailed black cockatoos pass through by my house (in Perth), they drop all of the flowers of the trees in the area (just eating the little bit of stem) and then move on and won't be seen again for several months. I'm not sure where they go, but they do always come back.

They are a magnificent looking bird and much larger then you'd think when you see them up close. I've never seen yellow or red ones before. But that is a good photo.
The photo seems to make it look smaller than it is but you can see it's large claws but I can't think of a bird to give you it's relative size...maybe 3 times a lorikeet.
Awesome pic mate :raz:
The Yellow Tail Black Cockatoo is a magnificent bird :raz:
They are so graceful in flight :)

Both genders will have colour on the tail but the male has more, so I'm guessing this is a fella.
Yes, definitely a male. The black beak's a dead give away (females have a lighter, white horn colour beak)

Mr Turbo
We've a pretty high concentration of yellow tailed blacks in my part of Victoria, hear an see them almost everyday flying around in 1 or 2 pairs. Seen them drop into our trees a fair bit. But never near the house like that pretty special opportunity for a photo you got, they like staying away from people, don't even like sitting in the top of the pine trees if someone comes out of the house.

they are a little bigger than a sulphur crested cockatoo