Victorian Bushfires


Forum Member
Jan 23, 2013
near Healesville Victoria Australia
Car Year
Car Model
Forester SG
1.447 low range 4.44 diffs
Hopefully none of our members are affected by the bush fires. I know Beigewagon is in the CFA and expect he is fighting fires in Gippsland. I am not aware of any others in the CFA.
Where we are there is no immediate fire activity but the smoke is like a fog. I cannot see the National park that is 500 metres from home.
^ Agreed, HC.

And I would support any sentence anyone can think up for those who deliberately lights them ... Short of the death penalty, that is. Don't believe in the death penalty. Too hard to fix things up if we get it wrong ...
RB totally agree with you on arson and regrettably some of the grass fire are suspect. I am a supporter of bringing back Western Suburbs police techniques were offenders seem to have unfortunate accidents like walking into walls or falling over ! Definitely reduces crime. My hat goes off to anyone in the CFA risking their life.
The first 2 weeks of Feb is always such a danger. Lets hope these fires get put out quickly with no loss of life

Where we are there is no immediate fire activity but the smoke is like a fog. I cannot see the National park that is 500 metres from home.

This is looking out over the bay, you can just make out the sun top left...

I also agree with you there Ratbag.

I am a supporter of bringing back Western Suburbs police techniques were offenders seem to have unfortunate accidents like walking into walls or falling over !
Accident ? what accident, they fell

My hat goes off to anyone in the CFA risking their life.
I'll most definitely 2nd that.

Mr Turbo